
WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole and universal vs. global active directory groups

Does anybody know how to make WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole("domain\role") work with active directory universal groups? Let's say the current user is a member of a group called Role in a domain called domain, and that the Role group is a Global group in active directory. The following code would then yield result = true: WindowsPr...

How to use IsInRole from ASP.NET Membership in the Library dll

Most Real world web applications have at least one dll library behind them. If we use the ASP.NET membership provider, how can we call the Roles.IsInRole method in the dll? The possibility of referencing HttpContext is not good. Because, we have a few console application tools that use the same dll to complete a few bulk operations. ...

How does IPrincipal gets its roles?

I need to get know how SiteMapProvider.IsAccessibleToUser() works. Built-in XmlSiteMapProvider calls HttpContext.User.IsInRole() which uses System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal in case of forms authentication. Where does the current user gets its roles? Which provider loads this kind of information? I want to overload it and use ...