
How to create a .Net DateTime from ISO 8601 format

I've found how to turn a DateTime into an ISO 8601 format, but nothing on how to do the reverse in C#. I have '2010-08-20T15:00:00Z' and I want to turn it into a DateTime object. I could separate the parts of the string myself, but that seems like a lot of work for something that is already an international standard. ...

Is there a full implementation for ISO-8601 date parsing for Ruby

The Time.iso8601 method is a restricted subset of ISO-8601. Does anyone know what the limitations are? Does anyone know of a full implementation for Ruby? I'm using MRI 1.8.7 Thanks Update It looks like there isn't a single class that handles all of the various 8601 date and date/time combinations. However I have managed to wo...

Parse and create ISO 8601 Date and time intervals, like PT15M in PHP

A library and webservice I am using, communicates time-intervals in ISO 8601: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. I want to convert such formats to seconds. And vice versa. Seconds are a lot easier to calculate with. Example interval values are: PT1M or PT60S (1 minute) PT1H, PT60M or PT3600S (1 hour) I need two functions: parse from such values to s...