
What happens in WCF to methods with IsOneWay=true at application termination

Hi, I have a client application that once in while notifies about its progress a service. The method call to the service is marked with IsOneWay=true, because the notification doesn't need any return value and I don't want to delay. The client may notify about errors to the service, and afterward it terminates. The question is: does ...

WCF Service - setting IsOneWay=true still results in waiting client

Hello there, For seme of my service methods, client application needn't wait for any response to be sent over, So I just decorated these methods with IsOneWay=true, so they look like: [OperationContract(IsOneWay=true)] void MethodName(string param1, int param2) Now, when I call this method from client application, it still seems to w...