
How do you run a command in iTerm when it launches?

I'm working on configuring the iTerm terminal emulator for the Mac to do what I want. Apparently everything is done through what they call "bookmarks." OK, fine. I'm trying to create a bookmark that will open a tab, cd to a certain Rails project, and run the command script/server. What's supposed to happen is that this will launch the se...

iTerm Mac/ How to export/import bookmarks

How can I Import/Export bookmarks in iTerm program on Mac OS X. Thx! ...

vim + iterm: how to use mouse for everything EXCEPT selection?

Ok, have a very specific setup question. I'm using Mac OS X, iTerm, and vim. I really like using my mouse for clicking tabs in normal mode, scrolling in normal mode etc. (e.g. I already have the mouse working within iTerm/vim). However, I dislike using visual mode for selecting. I just want to use OS X selection not vim's visual select...

How can I get the file I have open in vim to display in my iTerm tab

I can get the vim title to display on my window by doing this: let &titlestring = expand("%:t") . " @ " . hostname() if &term == "screen" set t_ts=^[k set t_fs=^[\ endif if &term == "screen" || &term == "xterm" set title endif But the tabs will say "Default". From the commandline I can do this: echo -ne "\e]1;hello world\a" A...

error: There was a problem with the editor 'mate -w'.

I used this command to specify the text editor: $ git config --global core.editor "mate -w" How can I remove this configuration as I'm getting this error: error: cannot run mate -w: No such file or directory Or, how can I fix this error instead? Thanks. ...

iterm vim colorscheme not working

When I run vim from the commandline in iterm, syntax highlighting doesn't seem to work locally. In vim for example I have installed a nice colour scheme that works quite well in MacVim but it would be great if in iterm it showed the same one. Any ideas how i can turn this on? This is the color scheme I'm trying to use http://www.vim....