
Migrate old J++ project to Eclipse?

I've got my hands on an old Microsoft J++ project that uses some old Microsoft-specific things from the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (now deprecated and unsupported). It uses additional things from the old Microsoft Java Development Kit, which I can't find anywhere on the web. It seems the best route forward is to migrate this project...

How do I Double.parseDouble / Float.parseFloat in J++

Microsoft J++ does not have a Double.parseDouble() method. How do I do this? ...

J++ to Java: how to migrate from RNI to JNI?

I've inherited a legacy J++ project. I've upgraded this project to standard Sun Java successfully. However, this project includes a native C++ dll which the Java code talks to via the Microsoft-specific RNI framework. Needless to say, calling System.loadLibrary("myRniNativeDll") now throws a UnsatisifiedLinkError, saying one of the dep...

where can I bring com.ms.* packeges to build

I'm trying to build mS-java compatible applet and I have references to classes in com.ms.*. But I can't find the required libraries. ...