
How to deserialize and cast to Long all numbers?

The Jackson deserialize and cast to Integer all numbers if value in range of Integers instead it cast to Long. I would like to cast ALL values to Long. Is it exist easy solution of issue? ...

deserializing date in jackson

I have a date in a json string (returned from an ASP.NET rest service) that looks like this: "created": "/Date(1277931782420-0700)/" Jackson is not able to parse this date. I can write my own date format and pass it in to mapper.getDeserializationConfig().setDateFormat(); but i was wondering if there is an easier/better way to do this....

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.Class out of START_OBJECT token

I can't understand propperly the error I get when I run this code: InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename); String jsonTxt = IOUtils.toString(is); JSONArray json = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer.toJSON(jsonTxt); JSONObject metadatacontent = json.getJSONObject(0); ObjectMapper mapper = new Obj...

Problem with beans and Jackson library

HI! I am working with a .json file, like this: [{ "SourceFile": "videos/KobeAlleyOop.flv", "ExifTool": { "ExifToolVersion": 8.22, "Warning": "Truncated 'mdat' data" }, "System": { "FileName": "KobeAlleyOop.flv", "Directory": "videos", "FileSize": "4.8 MB", "FileModifyDate": "2010:06:1...

Is there any way to override or update Jersey's Jackson version?

We're trying to use Jackson 1.5 to take advantage of some of the polymorphic handling it offers, but it appears that Jersey brings along it's own outdated version of Jackson (1.1.1). When testing Jersey serialized JSON, we get different results than when we serialize by hand in unit tests. {"id":"40","ticketProps":[{"id":"28","field":{...

How to serialize Joda DateTime with Jackson JSON processer?

How do I get Jackson to serialize my Joda DateTime object according to a simple pattern (like "dd-MM-yyyy"? I've tried: @JsonSerialize(using=DateTimeSerializer.class) private final DateTime date; I've tried: ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper() .getSerializationConfig() .setDateFormat(df); Thanks! ...

Custom json in Spring

Hello, I have configured in an Spring 3 application a ContentNegotiatingViewResolver so when I invoke a controller with a URL which looks like **.json it returns a json object using jackson library. If I call this method: @RequestMapping("/myURL.json") public List<MyClass> myMethod(){ List<MyClass> mylist = myService.getList(); ...

Problem Deserializing with Jackson using JAXB annotations in Spring MVC

I'm having trouble getting Jackson to correctly deserialize json into an object when calling a service (specifically we're using Jackson's ability to use JAXB annotations since we also want the service to use XML). I'm using Spring MVC and I'm using the RestTemplate class to make calls to the service. Here is where I setup the MappingJ...

Enable Jackson to not output the class name when serializing (using Spring MVC).

Is there a way to force Jackson not to put the class name in the Json output? I asked a question that led to this question, but I'm asking what I hope is a more focused question. I'm using Spring MVC while doing this, but I'm not sure how much that matters. So, instead of {"NamedSystem":{"name":"Bob Dole","id":"0198b96c-fe18-4aa6-9e6...

Spring's Json not being resolved with appropriate response

I've tried to have a controller in Spring return a JSON response to no avail using the Jackson classes as recommended with 3.0. I've got the jackson jar files(jackson-core-asl-1.5.5.jar & jackson-mapper-asl-1.5.5.jar) in my class path of course. As for the appconfig.xml entries, I'm not sure I need these. I've put them in there as a las...

Generic JSON object conversion

Hi I am de-serializing a JSON object with the ObjectMapper class in java. I am getting objects of different types (? extends Something) and wanted to know if there is any way to de-serialize them in some generic way. The readValue method gets some Class type object of the type of the output object so it is somehow strongly typed. ...

Passing array from javascript to java servlet using Jackson

Hello Im trying to pass an array from javascript to java servlet using Jackson, how this can be done..thanks ...

Jackson (JSON) throws JsonMappingException when Float is null

Hi I am using Spring (with Jackson) and jQuery to pass a form as an object. My pojo includes nullable floats. However, when the fields are empty, Jackson throws an Exeption: org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonMappingException: Can not construct instance of java.lang.Float from String value '': not a valid double value What do I have to do ...

Partial JSON Serialization at Run-Time (for RESTful Queries)

I am trying to convert a Java object to JSON in Tomcat (currently using Jackson). Based on the fields in a RESTful request, I want to serialize only those fields. I want to support requests for any subset of the fields, so I'd like to do it at run-time (dynamically). For example, suppose I want to support partial serialization for User ...

Spring, Jackson and Customization (e.g. CustomDeserializer)

Being still a little unfamiliar with Spring, I have encountered a problem that makes it necessary implementing my a custom deserialzer for Jackson. The procedure is described in a small tutorial, however, I am stuck with Spring. I do not understand, where ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); in Spring MVC is carried out when js...

how to parse a JSON string into JsonNode in Jackson?

it should be so simple, but I just cannot find it after being trying for an hour #embarrasing I need to get a JSON string e.g. {"k1":v1,"k2":v2} parsed as a JsonNode JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory(); JsonParser jp = factory.createJsonParser("{\"k1\":\"v1\"}"); JsonNode actualObj = jp.readValueAsTree(); gives java.lang....

JACKSON JSON custom deserializer

Hi, I am using Jackson library's ObjectMapper for deserializing JSON into JAVA objects. I am using Spring 'wiring'. I have created custom deserializers to do the conversion from JSON string to POJO. However, when the input is bad (eg. a number is passed as "124A" - illegal character) a default deserialiser is invoked and bombs with the ...

Configure Springs MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter

Hi there, I am using MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter in spring mvc to automatically serialize objects like this: @RequestMapping(value="/*/getAccount", method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Account getAccountAction() { Account account = accountService.getAccount(); return account; } Is it p...

Should I make Jackson's ObjectMapper as static final

ObjectMapper in Jackson seem to be thread safe. http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonFAQThreadSafety Does this mean, is it OK for me to declare class Me { private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); } instead of class Me { private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); } Thanks. ...

Parsing json into java objects in spring-mvc

I'm familiar with how to return json from my @Controller methods using the @ResponseBody annotation. Now I'm trying to read some json arguments into my controller, but haven't had luck so far. Here's my controller's signature: @RequestMapping(value = "/ajax/search/sync") public ModelAndView sync(@RequestParam("json") @RequestBody Searc...