
How to use jarjar from the command-line?

I'm having trouble using jarjar from the command-line to combine a simple Scala program with the scala runtime-library. jarjar correctly detects the dependency: $ java -jar ~/Desktop/saug/jarjar-1.0.jar find jar BCT.jar scala-library.jar /home/schani/Work/scala/bct/BCT.jar -> /home/schani/Work/scala/bct/scala-library.jar Combining th...

Jarring/flattening out a lib directory using jarjar and ant

I'm trying to flatten out the lib directory of a project using jarjar, where it will produce a jar file with my main code and all my required libraries inside of it. I can get the project code into the jar, but I need to find a way to get every jar in the './lib/' directory extracted to the base directory of the final output jar. I don...