
Can I export from actuate 8 to jasper reports

Is there a way to export from an older version of actuate (actuate 8) to jasper reports which offers much nicer features. The problem is rewriting/redeveloping all the reports would take so much time the cost savings is not there. The format of the reports is in the proprietary binary format. ...

When do I need to re-compile Jasper reports.

Hello! I'm using JasperReporting engine, and i need to optimize reporting performance. Currently my application compiles reports from *.jrxml files every time, as I'm not changing the reports now and app is not able to generate user-defined reports I should compile them once and use .jasper files in future..... AM I RIGHT?? And do I need...

can not set landscape orientation in dynamic jasper report

DynamicReport firstDynaRep = new DynamicReport(); firstDynaRep.setTemplateFileName("./landscape.jrxml"); firstDynaRep = firstReport.build(); DynamicReport not taking it as a template. So the width of the page is not increased. So is there any way to increase the width of the page in dynamicjasper report because i want the report in land...

grouping over multiple columns in dynamicJasper

Hello, i have a problem of creating 1 group that "spand" over multiple colums in dynamicJasper. Example would be something like this: i get data from base, which i can not change: id1 id2 id3 id4 id5 1 Vega Steve 8,000.23 yes 1 Vega Steve 3,465.33 yes 2 Minson Mark ...

Create chart with fixed-width of bars in JaperReports

Hi! I was wondering if there is a way to set width of the bar in BarChart in JaperReports. The problem is that I don't know how many columns will it contain... so when the user generates report containing single column it occupies all the chart... Thanks in advance ...

Using a .jasper file present within a jar file

Hi, We are using jasper reports as our reporting tool. Earlier we were using relative paths for jasper files for filling report and it's working fine. Now, we want to create a new jar for all compiled jrxmls. i.e a jar containing all .jasper files for our project. Is there a way to access those .jasper files within a jar file while fi...

DynamicJasper 3.1.x maven repository

I need maven repository for DynamicJasper 3.1.2 or higher... Thanks in advance! ...

Getting the url of a loacal jasper report (.jrxml) file in java

I'm using netBeans and I'm trying to generate a report unsing Jasper Report Can I get the url (of the local jrxml file) of the report which is stored in the the following directory structure My_project |_build |_dist |_nbproject |_src |_my_project |_META_INF |_report.jrxml |_report.jasper I dont want ...

Changing the default window close behaviour of Jasper report viewer to hide or dispose instead of exit

I'm using netbeans and Jasper report to generate report.The report gets generated but when I close the Report viewer window it exits my program /application.I want the Report window to be either disposed or hidden.Is there any way using which I can achieve this ? ...

JVM fonts and JasperReports

I'm trying to generate report with DynamicJasper, but I'm getting the following error net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRFontNotFoundException: Font 'Arial' is not available to the JVM. msttcorefonts is installed, but I guess JVM is not using any fonts from it. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 any ideas??...

Embedding a table in a list in a report in iReport

I am trying to do something like this in iReport: Main Report of all schools in a district. Let's say, select * from schools where district_id = $P{dist_id} A list of teachers in each school (eg, select * from teachers where school_id = $P{school_id}, and school_idea is populated by the above.) A table of each student in each teacher...

Is it possible to use styles from .jrtx file in DynamicJasper ?

I'm using DynamicJasper to generate some reports on the fly and I'd like to use my .jrtx template. Is there a way to do that?? Thanks in advance! ...

jasper reports with HTML Format

Hello , Am using jasper reports library with GWT application. The reports is generated well with CSV format but with HTML format it generate the HTML page with icons of missing picture. I know that jasper using transparent image called "PX", this image not found. How can i solve this problem? Thanks in Advance ...

Complex reports with JPA and JasperReports

I have been reporting with jasperreports and JPA, all this reports are just "catalogs" in which the only information is an entity or some times an entity with it's related entities. Now i have to design reports with very complex information (grouping, summarization, fields not part of an entity and so on) which is not possible with my e...

How to separate words in a "sentence" with spaces?

Background Looking to automate creating Domains in JasperServer. Domains are a "view" of data for creating ad hoc reports. The names of the columns must be presented to the user in a human readable fashion. Problem There are over 2,000 possible pieces of data from which the organization could theoretically want to include on a report....

Deploy report to JasperServer from java

Can someone provide me any examples on deploying a report unit to JasperServer using it's SOAP Services? Thanks in advance! ...

How do I implement telephone directory style 'index-tabs' or 'index-markers'?

Specifically, I have an existing report, built out of a series of sub reports, I want to duplicate the sub-report headings on the right edge of the page, in much the same way the white pages arranges the alphabet down the edge of its pages, to let the user find the part of the book they are looking for very quickly. ...

How do I write <variableExpression> in jasper report

Hi... I am writing the <variableExpression> as <variableExpression><![CDATA[new java.lang.String((not ibase.webitm.reports.utility.BaseReportMethods.isNull( $F{LOT_SL} )?(($F{QTY_PASSED}).doubleValue() > 0 && ($F{QTY_REJECTED}).doubleValue() > 0? $F{LOC_CODE} :(($F{QTY_PASSED}).doubleValue() > 0? $F{LOC_CODE} : (($F{QTY_REJECTED}).doub...

Which font I can use in Jasper report instead of 'Roman 12cpi' font for printing plain text

Hi, I migrating PowerBuilder report in to Jasper report,My PB report contain the 'Roman 12cpi' font,which not support in jasper report,so can you suggest which font i can used for printing my report on dot matrix printer.I am useing jasperreports-3.7.1.jar and iReport-3.7.1. ...

How to wrap a detail band in Jasper Reports

I have a detail band with potentially a lot of text fields in it. It can get too wide to fit on a page. The result is that it just runs off the edge of the page and you can't see it all. I'd like the detail band to wrap around to another line. Is there any way to do this? My detail band is built dynamically in the code and the number of...