
How to install/configure Eclipse for J2ME development for the Nokia S40 series? (windows)

I want to share with you how to develop for Nokia S40 with Java. I'm collecting all that's needed to develop for Nokia with j2me. Java Development Kit (6) - required to develop Java applications Eclipse Java (Helios) - need this to code, compile, debug and others Nokia s40 SDK (v.6) (login required) - used to emulate Nokia platform Mo...

How to find and handle binary/numerical overflow in J2ME

Hi I am building a unit convertor program that uses the MathFP library. Typically unit conversion occurs in the formula of: U1 (unit1) * K (constant) = U2 (unit2) I want to be able to detect when the an int has over/underflowed? How can I detect when this has occured and gracefully handle the problem. Ideally I would be looking for ...

connect to other bluetooth device in j2me for blackberry

Can anyone please point me in right direction? I am unable to find suitable or simple tutorial to write a program to connect to two bluetooth enabled already paired blackberry devices. This is new to me. So, finding it hard to understand. I do not want to use any RIM specific API's which require signing the application. I just need to ...

What is BlackBerry's equivalent to Java ME's Image.createImage() from an existing (loaded) image

Hi everyone, I have the following Java ME code that I'd like to port to BlackBerry: Image imgAll = Image.createImage("/fontDigits_200x20.png"); imageDigits = new Image[10]; for(int i = 0; i < imageDigits.length; i++) imageDigits[i] = Image.createImage(imgAll, i * 20, 0, 20, 20, Sprite.TRANS_NONE); Basically, it's one image of ten...

Get RecordStore data from an external middlet

Is there any form to get the data of the recordstore from an external middlet? Thanks in advance ...

Send encripted data from a middlet to a servlet

What the best solution for send encripted data from a middlet to a servlet if I have to send small data in fast manner I try https but the data is inflate, "I don't why" I this moment I have implemented AESLigthEngine with CBC mode (block mode) because CFB mixed mode is slow ...

float java-me j2me

anyone know bigdecimal in j2me midp 2.0? actually i just want to make j2me app, which is able to compute 1 / 6. and print it as 0.1666667. just like embedded calculator in many(every) mobile phone. i use float it prints 0.0 i use double it still prints 0.0 many thanks. ...

J2ME Supprted Mobile Devices

Hi , Past day i just explored few android's techn for develop mobile application , After some day only i understand , That is android work on android OS mobiles , At last i understand android only work on android OS mobiles , So i discussed with some of seniors ,They advised , one tech for all mobile's means go with J2ME , But ...

j2me jar api creating jar file run time

java.util.jar is not avail in j2me, what if using j2me app wants to create jar file from midlet at run time ? ...

green call button action for textField in S40

Hi ' I have made a j2me application that has a text Field with phone number as constrains and I need the user to press the green call soft key to make a call with the number in the text field It works fine in all Nokia s60 devices but the problem that when deployed the application on Nokia s40 devices nothing is done when pressing that k...

how to connect to a paired device in j2me for blackberry?

Is there any way to connect to an already paired device in j2me using blackberry? ...

can i use java library for java se in java me

can i use java library for java se in java me. i use smack java library to create a chat client. can i use the same libary to create a chat client for javame. ...

How do I build the JavaME jars with ant? and can i do it while running in javaSE?

Hi I have source code that ant builds into a javaSE jar, and we ship that, ant also at the same time builds the source for a JavaME project. which I currently then open netbeans and let it compile the jars for JavaME, i'd like to do this last bit in ant and wondered if its possible and if so how? ...

how to read string line by line in j2me

Hi how can i read one line from string ??? i have string like this : hello ; boy ; sun welcome;google;pink how can i read first line only ? thanks ...

j2me supports android phones

hello all, i done mobile application in j2me platform... tested successfully in Symbian os mobiles nokia, ericsson.. i have doubt in j2me supports android and blackberry mobiles..let me know its urgent... plssssssssssssssssssssssssss ...

Set BitmapField's image on Thread with BlackBerry

Hello all. I am trying to set a BitmapField's image using the setImage() method. It works fine, but when I try to do it on a thread it throws a IllegalStateException and it doesn't work. Is there any workaround for this. Thanks in advance. ...

GUI update issue in J2ME

Let's say I have two forms: form1 and form2. After pressing a NEXT_COMMAND in form1, I need to change the value of the gauge in form2 and then show form2. Thus: public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { .... else if (displayable == form1) { if (command == NEXT_COMMAND) { form2_gauge.setValue(valu...

How to make the TextField to accept only date input in J2ME/JavaME

I have created a custom Date Class to handle bigger date and date from different calendar. I would like to get date input from the user.The default DateField can't be used in this scenario since it can't handle big dates. So I would like to use the TextField instead.How ever, he existing constraints are not enough to constrain a date inp...

how can put my j2me application in mobile

Hello all. I have created a j2me application in netbeans ide. Now i want put/install this app on my mobile device. How can I do this. any help??? thanks. ...

JSF mobile web version. What technology to use?

We have currently developed a trading platform using glassfish and primefaces. The company is looking to expand the application and provide a mobile web version. What technology can I use that is stable and fast. I know there is touchfaces from Primefaces and Apache Trinidad. I have tried the touchfaces demo but it does not seem to w...