
Why not allow an external interface to override hashCode/equals for a HashMap?

With a TreeMap it's trivial to bypass the keys' natural ordering using a Comparable. HashMaps however cannot be controlled in this manner. I suspect it would be both easy and useful to design an interface and to retrofit this into HashMap (or a new class)? Something like this, except with better names: interface Hasharator<T> { ...

Stop a event from bubbling in GWT

I have the following snippet of code, changeTextArea is a TextArea object. changeTextArea.addKeyboardListener(new KeyboardListenerAdapter() public void onKeyPress( Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifier){ //do something //I WISH TO STOP THE EVENT THAT MAPS TO THIS KEYPRESS FROM BUBBLING ANY FURTHER } } How would I stop ...

What new features in java 7 do you find most useful?

From this thread New features in java 7 I found the new features in java from Alex Miller list Which ones do you find most useful and why? Which ones will be counterproducent? NOTE this list is not final and not all of them will make it through. ...

Java very large heap sizes

Does anyone have experience with using very large heaps 12 gb or higher in Java? Does the GC make the program ununable? What GC params do you use? Which jvm sun or bea would be better suited for this? Which platform linux or windows performs better under such conditions? In the case of windows is there any performance difference to be ...

Embedding Flash Player in a C++ or Java application?

I would like to embed Flash Player directly inside a C++ or Java application. I found an article that describes how to do this for C#: Unfortunately, I have no experience with C#, COM or ActiveX. I need someone to translate this code to C++, allowing me to embed the Flash ...

Passing Objects as part of SOAP Request and Getting Objects back as Response....using webservices

Hi! I have a webservice, which takes java.lang.object objects as parameters (because at runtime only know hte type of object)...after doing process, reply response setting java.lang.Object to it. I am able to send the reuest objects to webservice from calling program, but getting NotSerializable exception while building the response fro...

Java BlockingQueue of Size=1?

Essentially what I want is a BlockingQueue of size=1. I have a "listener" thread that simply waits, blocking until an object is put into the queue, and then retrieves it--and a "producer" thread that actually puts the object into the queue. I can implement this with some synchronized blocks and a BlockingQueue implementation, but that s...

JNI memory management using the Invocation API

When I'm building a java object using JNI methods, in order to pass it in as a parameter to a java method I'm invoking using the JNI invocation API, how do I manage its memory? Here's what I am working with: I have a C object that has a destructor method that is more complex that free(). This C object is to be associated with a Java ...

What is a stack overflow error?

I'm a complete beginner writing Breakout (the game) in Java. All was going well until I started to get a stack overflow error in the late game. Unfortunately I know that without actually putting the code up online I won't really be able to get help with this. So instead I thought I would make this my first question! Wh...

Passing parameters between JSPs

Hi. Please bear with me here, I'm a student and new to Java Server Pages. If I'm being a complete idiot, can someone give me a good link to a tutorial on JSP, since I've been unable to find info on this anywhere. Okay, here goes... I'm using Netbeans and trying to pass an object that connects to a database between the pages, otherwi...

Custom swing component - Turning a node into text

I'm writing a custom swing component (something completely new, but think JTree or JList). I'm trying to follow the general design of JTree, JTable, JList etc for consistency (I've also seen various poor 3rd party components abandon the separable model and/or renderer approach). So, I have a model full of nodes, the component itself and...

Threads per Processor

In Java, is there a programmatic way to find out how many concurrent threads are supported by a CPU? Update To clarify, I'm not trying to hammer the CPU with threads and I am aware of Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() function, which provides me part of the information I'm looking for. I want to find out if there's a way to a...

Sort arrays of primitive types in descending order

I've got a large array of primitive types (double). How do I sort the elements in descending order? Unfortunately the Java API doesn't support sorting of primitive types with a Comparator. One workaround would be to sort and then reverse: double[] array = new double[1048576]; ... Arrays.sort(array); // reverse the array for(int i=0;i<...

In Java, what's the difference between public, default, protected, and private?

Are there clear rules on when to use each of these when making classes and interfaces and dealing with inheritance? ...

What's a good library to manipulate Apache2 config files?

I'd like to create a script to manipulate Apache2 configuration directly, reading and writing its properties (like adding a new VirtualHost, changing settings of one that already exists). Are there any libs out there, for Perl, Python or Java that automates that task? ...

What are the best free books, tutorials, websites for Java?

What are the best free of charge books, tutorials, websites for Java? ...

Why does my JNI code not successfully find a jthrowable's getMessage method?

I'm trying to access the message in a jthrowable while handing an exception generated when I fail to find a class. However, I am unable to access the message ID of getMessage() on the jthrowable object, and I don't know why. I've tried changing the signature of getMessage to "()Ljava/lang/String" (without the semicolon at the end, but ...

Strategies to avoid Hibernate LazyInitializationExceptions

Are there any other ways to avoid LazyInitializationExceptions in a Hibernate web application besides using the OpenSessionInView pattern? Are there any downsides to using OpenSessionInView? ...

How to get up to speed on modern Java as a C++ programmer?

I program in C++ for a living. My last serious exposure to Java was in 1996. What's a good self-study way to get up to date on modern Java? (Bonus points if it can be done online.) ...

How can I show a "temporarily out of service" page to web-app users during maintenance?

I develop and maintain small intranet web apps written in JSP and Java. They run on a Resin web server, without dedicated httpd like Apache. Before performing maintenance, I activate a very simple Ajax message to urge users to logout. What I want is, while I do maintenance, a user trying to log in to that particular app to see a "Sorr...