
Techniques for Calling into a WCF Service from Java...

Besides using Web Services, or POX (or custom HTTP), are there some other techniques that I could utilize for calling services exposed from WCF via _______ to the Java world? These requests will be in the same machine. Maybe RAW TCP/IP? I'm just inquiring for a project that we need to possible provide some method of calling synchronou...

Cause of video artifact/artefact

Hi folks, ![alt text][1] The above screenshot shows some artifacting which is occuring during a software decode of a .DV video file, compliant to SMPTE 314m... The artefacting is believed to be cause by a AC/DC coefficient problem, is this likely? Any information is appreciated. ...

Wicket Dependency Injection

I've got a page with a form in Wicket where the form requires a collaborator to get its job done. The collaborator is injected (for which I'm using Guice) and looks something like: public class RegistrationPage extends WebPage { @Inject public RegistrationPage(RegistrationService service) { this.service = service; ...

What is more efficient i++ or ++i?

Exact Duplicate: Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C++? Exact Duplicate: Why should I use ++i? Exact Duplicate: Difference between i++ and ++i in a loop? What is more efficient i++ or ++i? I have only used this in Java and C/C++, but I am really asking for all languages that this is implemented in. In colleg...

Best way to control concurrent access to Java collections

Should I use old synchronized Vector collection, ArrayList with synchronized access or Collections.synchronizedList or some other solution for concurrent access? I don't see my question in Related Questions nor in my search (Make your collections thread-safe? isn't the same). Recently, I had to make kind of unit tests on GUI parts of o...

How to increase transaction timeout in Adobe LiveCycle server? Long service call fails with timeout exception.

We are converting large PDF file using Adobe LiveCycle ConvertPDF service. This works fine for smaller PDF files, but fails when we attempt to convert a large PDF file (around 150mb - don't ask). It looks like Adobe sets the a transaction timeout around 14(?) minutes. As processing time for our huge PDF exceeds this time, operation is ...

focus issue using a JComboBox as a cell editor in a JTable

I'm having issues with the following code, where I use a JComboBox to change a String value in a table cell. The JComboBox works fine, but if I click in the box and then click away without selecting anything the JComboBox's dropdown remains visible, even if I delete the row. Clicking on another Swing component like a JButton often caus...

CFHTTP: find out supported version of SSL & test with SSL 3.0

Hello, recently received email from saying: During the week of March 16 - 20, 2009, Authorize.Net will be deprecating all legacy support for the SSL 2.0 protocol. Changes have recently been made to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) which have made the use of SSL 2.0 a PCI DSS viola...

Optimized graph drawing for the web

Having seen some suggestions for graphs, I wonder what's the optimum for my problem. I want to render a directed graph to a servlet/picture that is displayed in the browser. There should be some kind of optimization of position. No dependency to Swing would be preferred. Algorithms are not important, since the structure of the graph is...

Difference between running internal and external unix commands in java

Why can't internal unix commands (cd, pwd, etc) be run directly in java like external commands (chmod, chown, etc) using Runtime.getRuntime().exec() ? Please help with explanation. ...

In Java, how do I parse XML as a String instead of a file?

I have the following code: DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(xmlFile); How can I get it to parse XML contained within a String instead of a file? ...

How do I pass an error message generated by xslt to java application caller

I use a java application to call a xslt to do a xml transformation. The xslt file will generate a message and terminate the process if some condition happens. However, my java application couldn't catch the error message generated by xslt, it only catch an exception with general information - "Stylesheet directed termination". Here is m...

What output and recording ports does the Java Sound API find on your computer?

Hi all - I'm working with the Java Sound API, and it turns out if I want to adjust recording volumes I need to model the hardware that the OS exposes to Java. Turns out there's a lot of variety in what's presented. Because of this I'm humbly asking that anyone able to help me run the following on their computer and post back the resul...

configuring "plumbing" at runtime

This is kind of a design-patterns question in Java. I am designing a java .jar file to act as a frameworks for managing and processing a certain form of data. I want the end user to be able to dictate the "plumbing" configuration, within certain constraints, in a certain way. The pieces are producers and/or consumers, and I know how to ...

Struts Indexed Property -- no getter method found for property

So in struts I have an action form which has 5 properties. Each property is a String Array. in my form class i getter/setter methods for the properties like the ones below: public String getPropertyX(int index) { return x[index]; } public void setPropertyX(int index, String value) { x[index] = value; } When my form is first pr...

JNDI failing with NameNotFoundException

I'm writing regression tests for a in-house library (where the creators are looong gone) and I'm trying to validate the environment. A couple of the tests keep failing with that NameNotFoundException only when the jndi name is "complex". This is a stand alone app and is not running with any web containers. The app uses a preference fi...

Using Quartz with Spring

In my application there is a requirement to be able to create Scheduled Job(s) depending on the type of Request that comes in (Dynamically). Can I still use Spring to create and trigger Jobs? If Yes, how? Any help would be useful. ...

How do I use interact with MySQL using Java ?

I'm assuming I need to use Connector\J and JDBC to achieve this, but I can't seem to 'install' Connector\J using the CLASSPATH thing. How do I do that ? I use the IntelliJ IDE if thats relevant. I'm looking for a way to talk to a mysql database and execute and print out a few basic queries but I'm not getting anywhere because I can't e...

Minimum JDK for Groovy

I'm looking to write some Groovy code to perform tasks inside of install anywhere but because of the platforms we support I'm restricted to java 1.5. Any idea if this will be sufficient to run the latest groovy? ...

Where can I find a server to host webapps that I would like to test online?

Anybody know of a service/company that would host a web application that I want to build from scratch, where I may have access to some admin function of the web server and J2EE server, and database? I'm looking to build a site that is public to show off my skills when applying for a job. ...