
How to set "org.w3c.css.sac.parser" system property?

In this String className = System.getProperty("org.w3c.css.sac.parser"); if (className == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No value for sac.parser property"); //line 35 } else { return (Parser)(Class.forName(className).newInstance()); } When I run this file as Java Application in Eclipse...

What are the differences between MySQL hosted on Windows and Debian (Linux)?

Hi All, I'm in the process of migrating a MySQL database from Debian to windows vista (localhost using Apache - installed and running via EasyPHP). The database is essentially a carbon copy, every entry is the same, however when I try to access the database, I get some strange errors (for example, in some cases the first few entries in...

Choosing a Design Pattern

I need to design an application that resembles an internal mailing system. However, this is just a course project. No networking required. The professor is just making us put the discussed data structures to work. However, I have been having trouble deciding how to design the application. Let me explain briefly what I have to do and then...

How to add native library to "java.library.path" with Eclipse launch (instead of overriding it)

Hi, I got a native library that needs to be added to java.library.path. With JVM argument -Djava.library.path=path... I can set the path as I want. My problem is that my other library (pentaho reporting) searches fonts based on the default java.library.path (including system directories etc) and the manual setting overrides the default...

What happens when a JSP finishes execution?

Hi, When a JSP finishes execution, will all variables declared in the JSP page be put up for garbage collection? If I declare a number of memory intensive Hashtables in the JSP, and I let the JSP finish execution without setting the variables to null beforehand, will the object stay in memory even after the JSP has finished executing? ...

JDialog setResizable(false) is not working in Window Title Bar Menu

JDialog setResizable(false) is not working in Window Title Bar Menu Windows XP SP2 Java JRE 1.6.0_11-b03 Behavior varies. Sometimes, the Maximize and Minimize item on the window menu is disabled and sometimes enabled. Steps to reproduce enabled Maximize and Minimize button: Show the JDialog with setResizable(false) Open another wind...

Sending messages from php to java

My app is a feed aggregator. The frontend is programmed in php, but I have a Java program running periodically to update the feeds database. Under the current scheme if a user adds a feed to be aggregated he must have to wait until the aggregator runs and updates the database to see the news from the feed he subscribed. What I want to do...

Purpose of DynaValidatorForm

What is the use of DynaValidationForm in struts? I have read an article that it reduces the lines of code and complexity. Can anyone tell how it is so. Thanks in advance ...

Java Graphing Libraries for Web Applicattions?

I've been asked to enhance a JSP Application with (And I quote) "Some Sexy Graphs" I did a quick search on SO and came up with this question which mentions several graphing solutions, however given that this is a Web application I was wondering if there were any good graphing libraries that can render the graphs client side using JQuery ...

Java Concurrency

I need to do a program to download the webpages, that is, I give a webpage to the software and it would download all the files in the website. I would pass also a level of depth, that is, the level where the software goes download each file of the website. I will develop this software in Java and I need to use concurrency also. Please...

Compare JSF implementations

I would be glad to get references to resources and people's experience on comparison of known JSF implementations: MyFaces and IceFaces in terms of component's richness, ease to develop, popularity, stability, community support, etc. Update: as it was pointed out the initial question is not accurate enough. There are few JSF implementa...

How can I have a download file option in JAVA Swing?

Hi, I am new to Swing and wish to implement the download file feature in my Swing code, that would allow the user to either save or open the specific file. I did have a look at JFileChooser.showOpenDialog and showSaveDialog, but I don't wish to use it, as it gives me the option to choose any file from the file system. Hope my problem ...

transparent batching remote calls in dwr

I want DWR to transparently batch all remote calls that are done in the course of handling the same event. The reason is that handling an event in Javascript must only take a short time and nothing else can happen during the same time. So if I am going to do many calls, I would like to DWR batch them transparenty. Is that possible? How?...

hebrew appears as question marks in netbeans

Hi, I am using netbeans 6.1 on 2 computers. on one of them the program: public static void main(String argv[]) { System.out.println("שלום"); } prints normally, and the on the other question marks. what can be the difference between the 2 environments? edit: on both computers Control Panel \ Regional and Language Options \...

Why won't this generic java code compile?

In this simplified example I have a generic class, and a method that returns a Map regardless of the type parameter. Why does the compiler wipe out the types on the map when I don't specify a type on the containing class? import java.util.Map; public class MyClass<T> { public Map<String, String> getMap() { return nu...

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

I am working in Java and am wondering, are multi-dimensional arrays like grids where rows are elements and columns are dimensions, or are they hyper-geometric figures that we can't see? ...

Java Swing ActionMap keys

I'm coming up the learning curve for Swing and am reading about InputMap and ActionMap. The O'Reilly book on Swing says the keys for ActionMap can be any Object, but by convention are Strings. Is there any reason to use an object other than a String? (e.g. an enum) I would think it's bad practice to use String literals, as they can be ...

Saving a XML-Document in a Database (Combination of Hibernate and JAXB) in Java

I am looking for a solution to save a XML-File in a database using Hibernate. The problem is, that the structure of the XML-file is different to the Hibernate-beans. I'm trying to use JAXB to serialize the XML-content to the Hibernate beans. Please imagine the following scenario: There is this xml file: <root> <general> ...

how to open word document in ie without open / save dialog in java applet

how to open word document in ie without open / save dialog in java applet ...

How do I pass a Java object as a parameter to a MATLAB function?

This question popped into my twitter stream, so I'm not so personally interested in the answer yet, but when I do need the answer, I'd expect to find it here. The question: How do I pass a Java object as a parameter to a MATLAB function? Specifically, I wrote a Matlab class to implement a database using JDBC and stuff from java.sql. c...