
JSP property lookup error

I'm getting the following error in ours logs: Error looking up property "foo" in object type "". Cause: null java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor363.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

JSON feed to Java Object

Hi, I would like to know if there is a webpage/software that can "translate" a Json feed object to a Java object with attributes. For example : { 'firstName': 'John', 'lastName': 'Smith', 'address': { 'streetAddress': '21 2nd Street', 'city': 'New York' } ...

XStream JavaBeanConverter not serializing properties

Hello All, Attempting to use XStream's JavaBeanConverter and running into an issue. Most likely I'm missng something simple, or not understanding XStream's converter handling well enough. @XStreamAlias("test") public class TestObject { private String foo; public String getFoo() { //return foo; -- Adjusted for EDIT#...

Difference between Java Bean and Enterprise Java Beans?

Are they different or they are used interchangeably? If they are Different, then what made them different from each other? ...

Have problem understanding the id/name of java bean

In an XmlBeanFactory (including ApplicationContext variants), you use the id or name attributes to specify the bean id(s), and at least one id must be specified in one or both of these attributes. Does it mean the following are legal? <bean id="test"> <bean name="test"> But this is illegal: <bean non_idnorname="test">...

How do I make JPA POJO classes + Netbeans forms play well together?

I started using netbeans to design forms to edit the instances of various classes I have made in a small app I am writing. Basically, the app starts, an initial set of objects is selected from the DB and presented in a list, then an item in the list can be selected for editing. When the editor comes up it has form fields for many of the ...

How do you make a Netbeans form automatically populate fields in a class?

If I create a Netbeans form, with say a bunch of string fields, how can I make the contents of the form fields automatically populate the class(object) I want to back the form? ...

Cannot bind text field to selected item in JTable in NetBeans

I am trying to use NetBeans to bind a JTextField to the selected element of a JTable. The JTable gets its data from an AbstractTableModel subclass which returns Cow objects. At present, each Cow object is displayed as a String through its toString method. I am trying to bind the text property of the JTextField to the name property of ...

How can I go through a Set in JSP? (Hibernate Associations)

Hi All, So I am pretty new to JSP. I have tried this a few ways. Ways that would make sense in PHP or automagicy frameworks... I am probably thinking too much in fact... I have a hibernate one to many association. That is class x has many of class y. In class x's view.jsp. I would like to grab all of class y, where the foreign key of y ...

JavaBeans JSP dealing with GET requests

Hello, I understand how POST works but if for example the following GET request is made: GET /index.jsp?page=home How do I get the value, in this case home through to my java bean. i.e. using an MVC architecture? Thanks ...

Extending struts 2 "property" data tag

Hi, We are currently developing a project with Struts2. We have a module on which we display a large amount of data on read-only fields from a group of beans via the "property" Struts 2 data tag (i.e. <s:property value="aBeanProperty" />) on a jsp file. In some cases most of the fields might come empty, so a blank is being displayed on ...

Beans, Lists and JSP

Hi at All I have a little question... On my JSP page I have a List of beans. I want to extract a sublist of beans with a specific property (Ex. all Horror books). Can Apache Beanutils help me? Thanks in advance... ...

In JSF1.2 is it possible to redirect to a bean before a page is rendered?

Hi all, I know that in Seam, we could write an xml file (if my jsf page is named index.jsf -> that we could add there action execute="#{loginAction.checkIfBlaBla}" so that JUST BEFORE the index.xhtml is rendered we could call a method of a Bean (Session or Managed, in seam it doesnt matter) I am wondering if it is al...

Between a jsf page and a managed bean, why the getter method is called twice

Hi, I have a jsf page with a form has an outputtext in it. The value of outputtext component is called from a backing bean (or managed bean). I know when I code it as #{MyBean.myString} Jsf rename it and calls getMyString() method. However the wierd thing is, when I put a breakpoint to the getter method of this component, I see it is ca...

SUPER CSV write bean to CSV.

Here is my class, public class FreebasePeopleResults { public String intendedSearch; public String weight; public Double heightMeters; public Integer age; public String type; public String parents; public String profession; public String alias; public String children; public String siblings; public String spouse; public String degree;...

Retrieve JavaBean names associated with JSP or build variable with dynamic name

I am usign a JavaBean in a jsp page. I would like to give it a dynamic name, because depending on the value of a variable (let's call it foo), I want it to have different contents, and I want to keep all of these different versions in memory. I want the beans to have session scope, because reevaluating the contents is expensive. Right ...

@BeanProperty with PropertyChangeListener support?

@BeanProperty generates simple get/set methods. Is there a way to automatically generate such methods with support for firing property change events (e.g. I want to use it with JFace Databinding?) ...

Java - Custom PropertyEditorSupport to display units

All, I'm trying to make the properties of my node have Units associated with the measure. ( I am using the implementation of JSR 275) So for instance, public class Robot extends AbstractNode { // in kg float vehicleMass; @Override public Sheet createSheet() { Sheet s = Sheet.createDefault(); ...

Security when using GWT RPC

I have an POJO in Google Web Toolkit like this that I can retrieve from the server. class Person implements Serializable { String name; Date creationDate; } When the client makes changes, I save it back to the server using the GWT RemoteServiceServlet like this: rpcService.saveObject(myPerson,...) The problem is that the user s...

Naming convention for getters/setters in Java

Hi guys, if I have the following private member: private int xIndex; How should I name my getter/setter: getXindex() setXindex(int value) or getxIndex() setxIndex(int value) EDIT: or getXIndex() setXIndex(int value); ? ...