
PropertyChangeSupport and equals method

I'll try to explain my problem as clear as possible :). I am using PropertyChangeSupport to notify registered views for changes in the properties. One of the property is an object which properties are changed every view seconds. I don't want to create for this particular object new instance every time it is being updated (for the propert...

Java PropertyChangeSupport does not fire for different properties

Hey, I have developed an own javaBean for Swing. Now I'm trying to catch two properties on change, using a PropertyChangeListener. The problem is that the PropertyChangeSupport for one of my properties in the JavaBean works fine but it does not seem to fire any propertyChange for the other declared property. Let me give you some extra...

@BeanProperty with PropertyChangeListener support?

@BeanProperty generates simple get/set methods. Is there a way to automatically generate such methods with support for firing property change events (e.g. I want to use it with JFace Databinding?) ...