
Is there a port of the Rhino JavaScript engine for .NET

I worked for a company that had both Java and .NET implementations of an application. The app allowed for end-user customization of processing and business rules using scripts. The Java version supported JavaScript using the Rhino engine. The .NET app required VBScript. I would like to do something similar using .NET, but I would prefer ...

Any Javascript Engine for .NET/C#?

I'm looking for an open source javascript engine for .NET. Thanks. ...

Should I care about JavaScript engine speed when using jQuery?

I'm writing jQuery for a page that is a complex mess of many DOM elements (I have no control over this). The primary target browser is IE7, and I have concerns about the speed of its JavaScript engine. Scripts I've already written are laggy and have been performance-tuned to the best of my ability. I could write script that is simple to...

how to build javascript debugger with the java scripting engine

Possible Duplicate: is it possible to build a debugger around the java scripting engine? Duplicate of is it possible to build a debugger around the java scripting engine? hi, i have enabled in my application to write java script code and for that i have used the java scripting engine, as the next step i would like to enable c...

How to use V8's built in functions

I'm new in both javascript and V8. According to Google's Embedder's Guide, I saw something in the context section talking about built-in utility javascript functions. And I also found some .js files(e.g. math.js) in the downloaded source code, so I tried to write a simple program to call functions in these files, but I failed. Does a c...

String::New: what is it?

I am from a Java background and is learning C++. I encountered the following C++ code: String source = String::New("'Hello' + ', World'"); As what I understand so far, this should be a call to static member function 'New' of class 'String'. But, I've searched through the whole header file defining 'String', there is not any static me...

How do JavaScript interpreters/engines work?

Hi, I'm interested to find out how the JavaScript interpreter (engine if you like) works. I'm aware that JavaScript isn't compiled.I have looked at the ECMA specification, but it doesn't explain how the actual engine works. The main reason why I'm asking this is because I'd like to understand why IE7 behaves slightly differently to IE...