
invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence

I am trying to parse an XML file with , but ran into an error message "invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence. Does anybody know what caused this problem? Thanks. ...

How to use infinit live streams with JAVE library? (Java, ffmpeg)

So I want to use JAVE to save mp3 radio stream to my File system. I have this code for file saving but what shall I do to save a stream (stop on timer for ex) File source = new File("source.wav"); File target = new File("target.mp3"); AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes(); audio.setCodec("libmp3lame"); audio.setBitRate(new Inte...

Cleaning mixed type <script> tags

I'm cleaning HTML using cyberneko and xerces. However , some $#@@!@@ websites still use BOTH <script>...</script> and <script.../> So what happens is this : given <script..../> <div> Some Text </div> <script> scripting stuff </script> , neko parses all the above line as a script , so I get <script..../> &lt div &gt Some Text...

JAVE function call form JSP page is not returning value

I am calling a java function from JSP page which returns file name after creationg a XML file. In some cases where size of file is large(Java function execution takes much time due to large data) it is returning blank where as XML file is genertaed after some time. Can any one help me to get the file name in this case so that user can kn...

is lucene fuzzy search lazy?

I would like to use Lucene's fuzzy search, which I understand is based on some sort of Levenshtein-like algorithm. If I use a fairly high threshold (i.e, "new york~0.9"), will it first compute the edit distance and then see if it is less than whatever 0.9 corresponds to, or will it cut off the algorithm if it becomes apparent that the d...

Building a mobile web site

We are in the process of looking at allowing mobile devices to view our site. We have targeted 3 phones - BlackBerry, iPhone and Android. Being new to all this I have several questions. I am going to assume that what we are really looking at here is the browser capabilities of the devices and not so much the device itself (the device ...