
How to set a connection timeout when using JAXRPC-RI web services client?

I'm working with a bit of a legacy component in which we interact with a SOAP web service (a technology which I absolutely, positively abhor) using some client code built using the JAXRPC-RI (reference implementation) library. I'm interested in being able to set a timeout with the stubs so that in case the web services server does not r...

Unexpected JAXRPC endpoint, this version is not supported 1.1

I'm trying to compile a webservice through NetBeans 6.7 using Glassfish v3 as the host is there anyway to fix this issue: 'Unexpected JAXRPC endpoint, this version is not supported 1.1' ...

JAX-RPC GenericHandler fails on Websphere Application Server v6.0.2.35

I've created an Extension of GenericHandler called SOAPHeaderHandler. I placed log4j statements in the handler and can see the constructor being built. When I generate a SOAP message, however, I don't see the message related to the handleRequest method. I've registered the Handler in the stub as follows: if (service == null)...

RPC/Encoded Jboss solution

I recently posted a question regarding RPC/Encoded Jboss problem since I was having problems with jboss-4.2.1.GA to generate RPC/Encoded WS requests. The solution I found was to have jaxrpc.jar, saaj.jar and wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar files in the EAR file that I deploy to Jboss. I did not have to run Axis as a client from inside JBoss as kindly ...

How to write web services in java

Though this might appear as a duplicate of Java Web Services , I would like to know Where to start and to continue.In the past, I have invested so much of time to find where to start but I wasn't able to. There are so many jargons and chaos (at least for me!) while reading the pages about web services. There are so many terms - like JAX-...

WS Libs: com.sun.xml vs javax.xml

There are identical classes of java WebServices API & IMPL in those packages groups, only package names are different. http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.xml http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.sun.xml Which ones should I use in my code? I would prefer NON-com.sun.* as per java conventions, but still my dependencies ( e.g. Spr...