
Configuring different auth-methods for different "folders" in a single .war

I would like to create a single .war that contains both a web based FORM login for a web GUI AND BASIC authentication (in this case, for a web service interface.) /index.html (unsecured welcome page) +---/interactive (folder containing web pages using auth-method=FORM) +---/service (servlet mapping for web service using auth-method=B...

Jboss Server Exception

Jboss server was throwing an Exception all of a sudden "You are trying to use a connection factory that has been shut down: ManagedConnectionFactory is null". No changes made to the datasources, prior to this. Everything got normal after a server bounce... What are all the possibilities for this? ...

How to stop endless EJB 3 timer ?

Hi, I am new to EJB 3 . I use the following code to start endless EJB 3 timer then deploying it on JBOSS 4.2.3 @Stateless public class SimpleBean implements SimpleBeanRemote,TimerService { @Resource TimerService timerService; private Timer timer ; @Timeout public void timeout(Timer timer) { System.out.println("Hello EJB"); } }...

how do I find out what open sessions jboss is handling at any given moment with java?

I need to write a servlet that, when called, gets information about the current instance of jboss it is running in, specifically, a list of the currently opened sessions. is there a way to do this? thanks in advance. ...

How to deploy jbpm-console 3.3.1 on jboss web server3.0.0 beta-1

I want to deploy jbpm-console on jboss web server, but the following error message appears. Can anyone tell me what's wrong? 2010-01-22 08:11:21,416 ERROR [org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.ProfileServiceBootstrap] (Thread-2) Failed to load profile: Summary of incomplete deployments (SEE PREVIOUS ERRORS FOR DETAILS): DEPLOYMENTS ...

How to use a jar that uses Spring in common lib?

Hi, I'm really new to Spring and I'm not sure if I'm doing it the right way. Here's my prob : I've exported a jar which uses Spring 2.5 to inject dependency to a class in another project called "business". There's an accessor which uses ClassPathXmlApplicationContext to get the bean. I've placed that jar in the common/lib of JBoss 4.2....

Finding paths for packaged non-java files at runtime

So this might be a stupid question but... I want to package a specific WSDL file in with an EJB project within eclipse. What would be the best way to refer to this file in my code? I would like to use a relative path but the current directory starts off in the /bin directory of my JBOSS installation. It seems like there should be a wa...

Storing properties in JNDI? Environment specific locations.

I want access to a storage folder but its actual location can vary with environments. Could I store properties into JNDI or do something similar to a datasource in JBOSS? How would I go about it? Thanks. ...

JBoss and WMI using Jacob and Java

Has anybody ever had issues with a Java application that uses Jacob to call WMI queries, with that application being deployed to JBoss? JBoss locks up around the WMI calls with no further information available. ...

Jboss datasource recovering after database re-start

Closed connections still in the connection pool - why? servlet- public class Index extends HttpServlet { TimeZoneService timeZoneService; public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException { WebApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(...

Locking problems using SimpleReadWriteEJBLock

First of all, I am using Oracle and JBoss 4.0.4 and I'm pretty much a newbie on JBoss matters. Our distributed application uses CMP beans with SimpleReadWrite... etc locking policy, which I'm told seemed the best choice at the time. (Original developers are no longer working with us and I can't easily get feedback from them, not mention...

JMS and durable subscriptions - trouble reconnecting

Hi, My organization has had a hard time dealing with some stubborn JMS issues. We have several JBoss instances running on a network, and occassionally have to restart JBoss instances that are acting as JMS clients (using durable subscriptions). The problem is that the clients are not disconnecting properly, so when they try to connect,...

Jbpm console3.3.1 on jboss web server3.0.0 beta-1

I've deployed jbpm-console on jboss-web successfully, but now I'm getting the following error: **2010-01-26 20:59:21,969 嚴重的 [facelets.compiler] (http- Error Loading Library: vfszip:/E:/app/jboss-web-3.0.0-beta-0125-zip/jboss-web-3.0.0-beta-1/server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/jsf-libs/jsf-impl.jar/com/sun/faces/meta...

Where to define <Environment...> elements in JBoss

I try to define environment entries in JBoss 5.1 and added following to the server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/context.xml file: <Environment type="java.lang.String" name="name" value="value" /> Following error occurs on startup: 2010-01-26 14:50:08,383 ERROR [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.JBossContextConfig] (main) X...

Need a java webservice tutorial and how to make a web service secure

I have a web service that is using: Java (familiar) SOAP (new to me) JBOSS (new to me) The web service is currently unsecure. My task is to make it secure using https (ssl or tsl). I am new to web services and web things in general. In the last week have gone through a tone of literature. Much of it which I think was not releva...

Invalid Jboss Datasources after redeploy

I'm developing an application tha uses seven datasources (ds) for MySql databases. I'm pretty satisfied with the result when it is working. However i'm getting are datasource related problems when I redeploy my aplication. Here is one of the seven ds I've configured in my my-application-ds.xml: <xa-datasource> <jndi-name>jd...

Unable to "strace -p" on a running JBoss process

I am trying to use "strace -p" to attach to an already running JBoss process. JBoss is using the 1.5.0_15 Java JDK. Unfortunately, this doesn't work - I only get a single futex() result: # strace -p 3388 Process 3388 attached - interrupt to quit [ Process PID=3388 runs in 32 bit mode. ] futex(0x8f18f7c, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 1, NULL <unfi...

JBOSS 5 Auto deployment of mbeans In JMX server-ISSUE using HTTP url

In JBoss 4.x i used to deploy *.sar files via JMX server .I use server.invoke(new ObjectName("jboss.system:service=MainDeployer"),"deploy",new Object[]{"http://"+hostname+":"+port+"/resources/jbossexample.sar"},new String[]{"java.lang.String"}); The *.sar is present in a remote location.So i used http:\. This used to be suceessfull.In...

How does Jboss Timeout works?

How does timeout in jboss works? How does a web-app knows when to re-direct to a login page? Just to clarify! -I know how to configure timeout on jboss. My question is, how does Jboss know that a session has timed out and when it does, how do you configure it to send the request to login page once the timeout has happened? ...

How to programmatically check if an application has deployed in JBoss5?

I am writing a small app to automate deployments. Basically, it checks an ftp server periodically for a new .ear file. Compares the checksum of the remote ftp file against what is currently deployed. If there is a new ftp file, then it gets picked up and deployed... I then have a check to see if the app has deployed successfully. At...