
Check the signature on large data sets efficiently using JCA

I have to verify the signature on a file that may be as large as 2Gb, and I want to do so in a way that is as memory-efficient as possible. For various reasons, the file will already be loaded completely into memory, and is accessed using an InputStream by the application. I would like to verify the signature using the stream interface...

What are the benefits of JCA?

Our application often connects to different king of back-ends over web services, MQ, JDBC, proprietary (direct over socket) and other kids of transport. We already have a number of implementations that let us connect from our application to these back-ends and while all of these implementations implement the common java interface, they d...

What security landmines should I look out for with JCA and AES?

I'm using the Java Cryptography API with AES to encrypt short strings of text for use in user identifying cookies. It's my understanding that some encryption algorithms are not secure when used with small amounts of text when compared to the size of the key. What do I need to know in order to make sure that I am not leaving my data inse...

Signing message with certificate: JCE, IAIK or similar in IBM SDK 5.0

So, I'm in a very difficult problem. Using Java: I've an enterprise certificate (in .p12 format) altogether with its public key ("password" string). Also I've a text message which I've to sign in PKCS7 format. I've been reading a lot and I've realized that there's no STANDARD implementation to do what I want to do. There is the JCE/JCA...

Where are the network boundaries in the Java Connector Architecture (JCA)?

I am writing a JCA resource adapter. I'm also, as I go, trying to fully understand the connection management portion of the JCA specification. As a thought experiment, pretend that the only client of this adapter will be a Swing Java Application Client located on a different machine. Also assume that the resource adapter will communic...

How to reference an embedded JCA resource adapater

For our current J2EE project based on JBoss, we need to interface with a remote system using message driven beans and a JCA resource adapter provided as a RAR file by a third party. I would like to package and deploy the entire project as an EAR file to our JBoss server. Most notably, the RAR file should be embedded within the EAR file a...

Get reference to the EJB3 local business interface inside the JCA adapter

Hi there, I'd like to know whether it is possible to get a reference to the ejb3 local business interfaces inside the jca adapter? Resource adapter and ejb .jar are packed into the same .ear. Application is running under WebSphere AS 6.1 with ejb3 featurepack. I have tried to use ejblocal:<full_class_name_of_local_interface> as JNDI ...

Accessing Java Connector Architecture (JCA) from a Non-Managed environment

Hi, We have been using a JCA to interface with a low-level network resource from within WebSphere, however we have a requirement to be able to access the same network resource externally from Tomcat (i.e. not in a managed environment). The network communication and protocol layouts is very verbose, so we would rather not copy/paste sev...

JBPM 4.4 resource adapter

Is there any JCA Resource adapter available for JBPM which can be used? How is JBPM used in production environment where we dont have Jboss App server? ...