
What's the best type 4 Oracle JDBC driver?

What's the best type 4 Oracle JDBC driver? What I want: Stable, few bugs and quick fixes Should warn about the usual JDBC pitfalls (connection leaks, etc) Must support CLOB [EDIT] My main issues with the "free" Oracle Type 4 driver are: I spent two weeks hunting down a cursor leak in the CLOB support code (closing the stream would...

How to use a JDBC driver from an arbitrary location

I need to test a JDBC connection to a database. The java code to do that should be as simple as: DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc connection URL", "username", "password"); The driver manager will lookup the appropriate the driver for the given connection URL. However I need to be able to load the JDBC driver (jar) at runtime. I.e I d...

Pattern for connecting to different databases using JDBC

I'm writing an application which has to be configurable to connect to Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL depending on client whim. Up till now I'd been planning on using the JDBC-ODBC bridge and just connecting to the databases using different connection strings. I'm told this is not very efficient. Is there a pattern or best practice for ...

JDBC java drivers sql server 2005

We are upgrading our servers to SQL Server 2005 from SQL Server 2000. We currently use the jtds drivers. I'm interested to know what peoples opinions are of the different jdbc drivers available (in particular the latest Microsoft driver), how they perform with SQL Server 2005 and any other lessons from your collective experience. Thank...

Oracle JDBC Euro character

We have a problem with the Euro character when saving and retrieving it from a Oracle 10g using the Oracle JDBC driver. The problem only occurs during a JUnit test running under Linux. The Euro characters returned from database after saving are total screwed up. Oracle has been configured to use character set "WE8MSWIN1252". Cou...

Which JDBC jar should I use with java 1.5.0_16 and PostgreSQL 8.3.5?

Title says it all: Which JDBC jar should I use with java 1.5.0_16 and PostgreSQL 8.3.5? ...

What happens if I don't include a db driver when using JDBC?

I'm new to java development, and was happy to see how much easier the database implementation was when it comes to supporting several platforms, compared to the php environment I'm used to. There is, however, one thing I'm confused about - I read everywhere I have to do a runtime-include of the database driver I want to use, ie: Class....

How can I use the MS JDBC driver with MS SQL Server 2008 Express?

My configuration: windows XP SP3 JDBC 2005 MS SQL Server 2008 Express, exposed via tcp/ip on port 1433 sqljdbc.jar in class path I tried: try { Class.forName("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver").newInstance(); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433/SQLEXPRESS2008;databaseNa...

Running / compiling jdbc-sqlite on OSX 10.5

I can't for the life of me get the library located here: http://www.xerial.org/trac/Xerial/wiki/SQLiteJDBC and zentus.com to run in native (JNI) mode on OSX 10.5. If I query the driver for the mode it always says "pure", which means it's running in nested VM mode and pure java code is running to query the sqlite database, which is slower...

jdbc connection using thin driver

i am connecting orace 10g xe with java but getting the exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver even i have included the classpath of driver i.e ojdbc14.jar if i have set wrong classpath plz tell me the correct way to set the classpath ...

Is there an alternative to using sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver ?

I recently migrated an older application we have at work from Java 1.5 to 1.6. I noticed that during the build, I now get a (new) compiler warning: ... DatabaseSession.java:[9,20] sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release So I understand what that means, but is there a well-known alt...

oracle jdbc driver version madness

Why the heck does Oracle offer a different(!) version of the JDBC driver, e.g. ojdbc14.jar, for every(!) database version? The files all have different sizes and thus probably different content. background: We get a random and seemingly irreproducible error saying "invalid number" when saving data (we guess it's the Timestamp). But it's...

Access mysql on netbeans

I tried to do this tutorial http://www.linglom.com/2007/12/05/accessing-mysql-on-netbeans-using-jdbc-part-i-create-a-connection/ but it gives me an error. I searched to understand what the error means, but i don't know. the error said : Class Not Found Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver I think t...

jdbc performance testing for getting CLOB/BLOB data

I am trying to compare the performance of the different calls (getBytes/getBinary/getBlob) for getting data out of a BLOB column. What I am doing right now is tracking the time to execute the statement via the jdbc driver and iterating through the resultset. //Mark time ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet.getByte...

Strange Exception on getGeneratedKeys() with JDBC for MySQL 5.1

Hello, I'm using JDBC to insert a row into a MYSQL database. I build a parameterized command, execute it and attempt to retrieve the auto generated keys as follows: String sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `users` (`email`, `pass-hash`) VALUES (?, ?)"; Connection conn = SQLAccess.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(...

UnsatisifiedLinkError with ojdbc14.jar

Hi guys, I am trying to run some JUnit tests that connect to an Oracle database and whether a connection attempt is made. The following error is thrown: oracle/jdbc/driver/T2CConnection.t2cGetCharSet([CI[CI[CII[SLoracle/jdbc/driver/GetCharSetError;)S at oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CConnection.getCharSetIds(T2CConnection.java:2801) at oracle....

Login Problem Windows Authentication

Duplicate of: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/881928/windows-authentication-trusted-connection-problem I logged in the Windows Server(Machine 1) as "abc\user1 ". Windows Server machine is in abc domain. MSSQL Server is in the "abc" domain on Machine 1 and have mixed mode.authentication. It has account "abc\user1 " and "abc\user2 ". ...

Strange problem with JDBC, select returns null

Hello everybody. I am trying to use JDBC and my query is working in some cases but not working in others. I would really appreciate any help. Some of my code: public Result getSpecificTopic() { String query = "Select msg_body, msg_author from lawers_topic_msg";// where msg_id=2 order by msg_id desc"; try { ...

Using sqlitejdbc with multiple processes

Hi... I'm trying to run several instances of a program accessing a sqlite database in java (always the same file) and actually I don't know whether it's possible or not that several jobs access the same database.... ...

Overhead with Microsoft JDBC driver when executing a stored procedure

I am using Microsoft JDBC Driver 2.0 with SQL Server 2005. To explain my question better, let me start with a sample code to call a stored procedure. public static void executeSproc(Connection con) { CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{call dbo.getEmployeeManagers(?)}"); cstmt.setInt(1, 50); ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQ...