
Informix JDBC PreparedStatement UPDATE Multiset

I want to change MULTISET column of the table, and my code looks something like this: PreparedStatement pstm = preparedStatement("UPDATE table SET mc = MULTISET{?, ?} WHERE ..."); pstm.setString(1, "..."); pstm.setString(2, "..."); pstm.execute(); And I get error: "Illegal attempt to convert a collection type into another type.". Wha...

Trying to use jdbc driver for postgresql but it's not working

I have added the jdbc driver to my classpath as far as I know i.e. I added the following to my .profile export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:location/to/the/jarfile.jar When I compile my java program I always get this error javac v9.java v9.java:8: <identifier> expected Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");//load the driver ^ v9.j...