
jdbcTemplate and Oracle 10

trying to do an insert, i have: jdbcTemplate.update("insert into....", new Object[]{foo.getId(), foo.getName()}) foo.getId() returns a long, and getName() a String. i have "NUMBER" as the id type in Oracle, and varchar2 for the name field. i'm getting SQLtype unknown problem. the update method has a version where i do not have to put in...

Spring JDBCTemplate Table Locking with MySQL

Hi! I just migrating one of our applications from pure JDBC to Spring's JDBCTemplate. I was wondering how to create a write lock for a table. Do i just execute a "LOCK TABLE foo" Query or is there a generalisized way for doing this in JDBCTemplate? Thanks! ...

How can I cancel a long-running query using Spring and JDBCTemplate?

The JDBC java.sql.Statement class has a cancel() method. This can be called in another thread to cancel a currently running statement. How can I achieve this using Spring? I can't find a way to get a reference to a statement when running a query. Nor can I find a cancel-like method. Here's some sample code. Imagine this takes up to 10 ...

How do I setQueryTimeout on SimpleJdbcTemplate?

The Spring Framework has two similar classes: JdbcTemplate is the old, Java 1.4 class, and SimpleJdbcTemplate is newer, with nicer methods. JdbcTemplate has a method setQueryTimeout, which basically gives me access to a method with the same name on the underlying Statement object. Is there any way to do something similar with a SimpleJ...

How to execute IN() SQL queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate effectivly?

Hi all together, i was wondering if there is a more elegant way to do IN() queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate. Currently i do something like that: StringBuilder jobTypeInClauseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < jobTypes.length; i++) { Type jobType = jobTypes[i]; if(i != 0) { jobTypeInClauseBuilder.append(','); } ...

Using JDBCTemplate with a Hibernate SessionFactory?

We have a Spring/Hibernate app and would like to add a small amount of JDBC for reasons involving performance and development time. I can make this dao subclass HibernateDaoSupport and use the session's connection to perform my JDBC, but I'd rather use JdbcTemplate. JdbcTemplate, however is initialized using a java.sql.Datasource. How...

Ensuring uniquness of a MySQL key

Hi, I have a MySQL DB where a key (a string) is read from a third pary source. However, these are not always guaranteed unique (they're movie titles). So I need to check for key uniqueness, and if not unique, amend it to make it unique - by adding an incremental count at the end of the key for example. What's the best pattern to do thi...

JdbcTemplate batch update in postgresql - date loses time?

I am inserting a list of object with java.util.date in format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (2008-09-26T14:34:59+02:00). SQL: INSERT INTO cdate (key,valuedate,user_id) VALUES(?,?,?) BatchPreparedStatementSetter bpss = new MetaJdbc().setMetaBatchPreparedStatement( list, userId); getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(sql,bpss); Date is...

Use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to update array field

I have a double precision array field dblArrayFld in a table myTable and I'd like to update it using Spring's NamedParameterJdbcTemplate (I'm using Postgres). I'm running code like this: SqlParameterSource params = (new MapSqlParameterSource()) .addValue("myarray", myDblArrayListVar) .addValue("myid", 123); namedJdbcTemplate.updat...

Java Programming - Spring and JDBCTemplate - Use query, queryForList or queryForRowSet?

My Java (JDK6) project uses Spring and JDBCTemplate for all its database access. We recently upgraded from Spring 2.5 to Spring 3 (RC1). The project does not use an ORM like Hibernate nor EJB. If I need to read a bunch of records, and do some internal processing with them, it seems like there are several (overloaded) methods: query, que...

identity from sql insert via jdbctemplate

Is it possible to get the @@identity from the SQL insert on a Spring jdbc template call? If so, how? TIA ...

SpringFramework JdbcTemplate RowMapper

Hi, I am wondering if JdbcTemplate and RowMapper supports complex object retrieval. I couldn't find anything with google on this matter (Wrong criteria?). :( Example: public class Person() { private Long id; private String name; private PersonDetail personDetail; } public class PersonDetail() { ... } Tables will loo...

How to update a postgresql array column with spring JdbcTemplate?

Hi, I'm using Spring JdbcTemplate, and I'm stuck at the point where I have a query that updates a column that is actually an array of int. The database is postgres 8.3.7. This is the code I'm using : public int setUsersArray(int idUser, int idDevice, Collection<Integer> ids) { int update = -666; int[] tipi = new int[3]; tipi[0] = j...

Spring JdbcTemplate returns empty result when there should be a valid result

I'm using SimpleJdbcDaoSupport object to access DB resources. I have a query which is frequently executed against the database to locate a record with a specific key. for some reason after executing the same query several times I start to get an empty result even though the record exists in the database. Any ideas what can cause this b...

Spring's JDBCTemplate IllegalArgumentException: datasource required

Well, I am having a problem with configuring Spring's JDBCTemplate to work properly. I am trying to inject the datasource but it seems that it's always null. Here is a sample code: applicationContext.xml: <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="...

simpleJdbcTemplate. - insert and retrieve ID

I'm putting the data into database with simpleJdbcTemplate. simpleJdbcTemplate.update("insert into TABLE values(default)"); I dont want to put any data because i dont need it for my unit test purpose. How can i get the id from the inserted row? I can retriev the current sequence value but if somebody else will do a insert then i will...

How exactly JdbcTemplate with TransactionManager works together?

As far as I understood DataSourceTransactionManager binds a JDBC connection from the specified DataSource to the current thread, allowing for one thread-bound Connection per DataSource. If it's a pool of connections, it will take one of the available connections. After this if I use JdbcTemplate inside a transaction, it will capture a c...

Firebird query is crashing with org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544364. request synchronization error

I am using JdbcTemplate.queryForInt to insert a Row into the DB, and then get the ID back. The Query is "INSERT INTO metadocs(NAME) values (?) RETURNING METADOCID". If I run the statement in Flamerobin, it works fine. However, if I run it from Java, I get the following error: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Prepare...

Spring JdbcTemplate - Insert blob and return generated key

From the Spring JDBC documentation, I know how to insert a blob using JdbcTemplate final File blobIn = new File("spring2004.jpg"); final InputStream blobIs = new FileInputStream(blobIn); jdbcTemplate.execute( "INSERT INTO lob_table (id, a_blob) VALUES (?, ?)", new AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback(lobhandler) { ...

Jdbc Template and MySql interaction for Frequently Changing Queries

There are some queries used by a DAO layer that is implemented in JDBC Template String longQuery = "....."; public List<AnObject> findObjectsBySomething(Something s) { return getJdbcTemplate().queryForObjects(longQuery, myRowMapper, s); } longQuery is going to frequently change, but I don't want to have to manage it right in the s...