
Maven Jdepend report contains no data

I'm running the jdepend maven plugin on my project and whether I run "mvn site:site" or "mvn jdepend:generate" the report that gets generated says "There are no package used." There are no errors in the maven output. Other plugins (cobertura, findbugs, etc.) run fine. My pom is configured like this: <reporting> <plugins> <p...

How to check project boundaries access in Maven projects

I have a set of Maven projects and I'd like to define access rules. For example, projects Database and Cache may only be accessed by project DataLayer, but not from project UiLayer. I'm speaking in terms of maven projects, but a package level access verification may also work, as long as it's easy to integrate into maven projects. I've ...

Need a Java Package Dependancy Analysis Tools

Is there anyway to run a package dependency analysis using jDepend, ant contrib's verifydesign task, or any other similar tool, which uses blacklists instead of whitelists? That is to say, I want to be far less strict (at least initially). Instead of specifying package A must only depend on B, C and K; package B must only depend on Q, ...

maven jdepend fail build with cycles

Is there way to use the jdepend plugin in maven to fail a build when package cycles exist? I know you can do it fairly easily with ant, but I haven't figured out how to do it with maven. thanks, Jeff ...