
jdesktop beans binding question

If I bind three properties (A on B and A on C) in READWRITE mode, and if C is changed shouldn't B also be changed in chain? I have a situation in which A is changed but change wouldn't propagate to B ...

Where can I download the source of "appframework.jar" that comes with NetBeans?

I have just started to try NetBeans. I created a new Java Desktop Application project, and it automatically added the JDesktop "appframework-1.0.3.jar" library. However, whenever I try to view its source, the command fails. I tried searching for it online, but I couldn't find it. So where can I download the source code for the "Swing App...

Jdesktop or Qt for better Desktop application

I will make a desktop application. I searched on web which one is better. Can someone say positive and negative sides of these components. ...

How can be edit all the source code in Desktop application?

I write desktop application using Jdesktop. After I run my code, computer generates private void initComponents() function under the source code. I can not edit this function. But i need to change something. So what can i do? ...