
Why does the debugged program slow down so much when using method entry debugging?

I'm using jdi interfaces to create a debugger and when I use MethodEntryRequests to enable method entry tracing the debugged program slows down by factor of tens. I have set filter for main thread and suspend policy to SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD. Classfilter is limited and if I print any received events it doesn't show more than couple of doze...

Java plugin development with debug interface problem

Hello i'm trying to develop an eclipse plugin (in eclipse) that uses the Java debugging interface and i'm getting the following error: Access restriction: The type VirtualMachine is not accessible due to restriction on required library /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Classes/classes.jar Using the debug in...

Can Ant launch two java applications concurrently

Hello everyone, I am currently developing a "debugger" java application that uses JDI to connect to an already running "target" java application. Is there anyway to have ant launch my target application then launch my "debugger" afterwards while the first application is still running? Yes I know that I can develop the JDI app to launch...

JDI Thread Evaluations has encountered a problem

I'm running Eclipse for Java. I created a DOM version of an XML file. Now I want to change an attribute of an element in the file. I called a method that called a method in the class that controls the DOM, and I got a dialog box saying "JDI Thread Evaluations has encountered a problem. Exception processing async thread queue" while debug...

During debugging, how to evaluate a piece of code in the debug target VM?

Hi all. During debugging, e.g. in Eclipse, one can evaluate Watch Expressions or Conditional Breakpoints. Typically, these are evaluated on the client side. For instance, when debugging from within Eclipse, it is Eclipse itself, not the debug target VM that evaluates these expressions. This can be quite costly, especially in the case of...

Java Access to Local Variable Names

I'm currently writing a program in which I would like to access the variable names of local variables during execution of a program and pass them off externally. I'm aware that Java will dump local variable names during compilation unless compiled in debug mode. After looking around some, it seems that JDI/JPDA is the way to go for this...

Implement different stratum for Java Debugger Interface

In the Java Debugger Interface documentation for the Location class, there's a paragraph discussing the "stratum" of the location. I've been looking around a bit for more detail on how one would go about implementing a new stratum (for, say, Scala or JRuby), but I haven't found much. Can anyone shed some light on the topic? ...

Maven: invoke method in _running_ virtual machine? Java debug interface plug-in?

Dear All: I am interested in the following potential functionality in Maven. I have one Java VM running that has a static method in a class that I'd like to invoke. I run Maven, and would like to invoke this method. One alternative is to use the following API somehow from a plug-in: Java Debug Interface http://download.oracle.com/jav...