
Starting Tomcat with remote debugging (jdwp) when installed as a windows service

I have a Tomcat installed as a Windows service. I'd like to configure it to support remote debugging via jdwp. When starting it from the command line (catalina.bat), I can add this string to allow debugging: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,suspend=n,server=y,address=10000 Where can I added jdwp support when running it as a windows...

Java JVMTI doesn't work alongside -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp

I spent the last 4 hours trying to set up Eclipse TPTP memory profiling on a Tomcat instance that must be run remotely (i.e. not in Eclipse). This should be possible according to the TPTP and Agent Controller docs. I installed the TPTP components (4.6.0) into my Eclipse (Galileo) workbench, along with the Agent Controller according to ...

Using JDWP and JVMTI to obtain information of the running Java application

We are developing an application for obtaining the information of a running java application using JDWP and JVMTI. Sun Java comes with a reference implementation of JDWP so using agentlib -jdwp: will use the reference implementation. Our aim is to study JVMTI and write JVMTI agents to get specific detail. Also creating a Front end using ...

JVM Bug with JDWP

I found this bug report from Sun indicating a problem with certain Java versions and enabling a JDWP port. But that bug report doesn't indicate when or even if it was fixed. Does anyone have more up-to-date info on that? thanks ...

"DeviceMonitor]Sending jdwp tracking request failed!" in Eclipse / Android

I'm a noob learning Eclipse and Android. Whenever I close the emulator I get "DeviceMonitor]Sending jdwp tracking request failed!" in the Console tab. Infact that seems to be the ONLY thing I get in the console tab - I don't get all the emulator loading messages and other things I used to see. Everything else seems to work, I can...