
What is the difference between jetspeed 2 and pluto?

I'm looking into implementing one of our internal applications as a portal using portlets, as it has many functionalities and not all of them are required by all users. I've looking at the Apache protals site and I saw that there are two projects - Jetspeed 2 and Pluto. Although Jetspeed is described as portal and Pluto as a portlet co...

Hot Deploy of development changes with Eclipse, Tomcat, and Jetspeed

Hi, I am developing a Jetspeed portal application running on Tomcat, using the Eclipse IDE with the Sysdeo Tomcat launcher plugin to enable debugging of the application running in Tomcat/Jetspeed. I was wondering how to enable hot deploy of development changes for this environment? Does anyone know how to configure a Jetspeed portal web...

Jetspeed 2.2 Nest or render one portlet inside another

I have a requirement to build an extensible wizard in a portlet. This wizard will list components that are installed and forward the user to a sub-wizard that is component specific. The requirement is that the components are to be developed by other people and dynamically plugged into this wizard (Jetspeed reboot is okay). I would like...

jetspeed tutorial

I am new to Jetspeed. Let me know any tutuorial to start with? ...

Custom security permission_types in Jetspeed

Is it possible to create and manage custom permission types in Jetspeed. In addition to the default - folder, page, link, portlet I would like to add document as a type. I want to then use the list of permissions of type "document" that a principal has to manage access to documents. Thanks ...

Problems with Jetspeed not showing the Edit option

Hello, I'm fairly new to Jetspeed and I'm having some problems getting everything to work correctly. I'll list off what I consider to be the relevant code snippets for reference and then explain the problem. Portlet.xml snippet: <portlet-app id="Fake" version="1.0"> <portlet id="MyPortletID"> <portlet-name>MyPortletName</p...

Jetspeed2(2.0.1) custom user

I need to be able to mark a jetspeed user as "special", and prevent an admin to delete this user. My idea was to add a binary column in security_principal table and use the information in this column in user-details.jsp from j2-admin portlet application, in order to decide to show or not the delete button.But it seams this is not that ...

BIRT - Where should I put images so that it is available on preview and delpoyed into webapplication

I have BIRT integrated into web application. I can't seem to find a way to get images to show up during development/preview within Eclipse and deployment. I have tried different setting. It works in one or the other, not both. I do not want to put images in the same place as the reports or embed them. Please suggest what is the best pla...

How would I make portlets with the same backing class display different information?

Hello, I have a list with x number of items, and a page with x number of portlets. Each portlet on the page has the same backing class and access to my list, and what's shown changes depending on which list item is selected. The edit mode allows the user to select which item to display, and I store the item they selected in the preferen...