
What is the email for the Jettison mailing list?

Sounds like a stupid question, doesn't it? But the page on the Jettison project mentions the Codehaus mailing subscription page, which in turn asks for the mailing list name before you can subscribe. ...

Using Jettison to go from JSON to DOM in Java

So far, this is the story of a failure, and any advice is welcome. I tried the following: XMLStreamReader to Document using JAXP with Saxon The code: JSONObject obj = new JSONObject("{\"alice\":{\"bob\": \"a\"}}"); AbstractXMLStreamReader reader = new MappedXMLStreamReader(obj); StAXSource source = new StAXSource(reader); Document do...

Parsing JSON to XML using net.sf.json (java)

Hi guys, I'm parsing a generic JSON to a XML using net.sf.json. (I'm not using POJO Obj in the conversion) Json that I'm converting: { "root": { "accountId": "1000", "Items": [ { "cost": 0.1, "debit": 0.1 }, { "cost": 0.2, ...