
Which library should I use to write an XLS from Linux / Python?

I'd love a good native Python library to write XLS, but it doesn't seem to exist. Happily, Jython does. So I'm trying to decide between jexcelapi and Apache HSSF: (I can't use COM automation because I'm not on Windows, and even if I was...

JExcelAPI - writing date to Excel sheet ignores day, month and year.

I try to generate some Excel sheets in Java application using JExcelAPI (v. 2.6.3) and can't generate date cells properly. For example, for code: WritableWorkbook workbook = null; workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("C:\\tmp\\tests.xls")); try { Date date = new Date(); final WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Shee...

Choosing an excel java api.

All I need to do is open an MS excel sheet - not sure which kind yet (2003, 2007, etc.) - and parse the information in each row into an object. I'm performing only readonly operations. out of Apache POI, JExcelAPI, or OpenXLS which is best for this task? I'd rather not find out about anymore api's but if you're certain that none of the...

jExcelApi - cell date format reusing doesn't work.

I created a wrapper to jExcelApi classes to easily export lists of objects to Excel. To minimize object creation cell formats are created as static fields and reused in consecutive calls to export. But I have problems with Date format - the first call works good, but in all consecutive exports date cells have numeric format instead of da...

JExcelApi currency format on formula cell - file error

Hi guys, I'm writing a spreadsheet with JExcelApi. I have two cells that I want to apply currency formatting to. From reading the API I discovered jxl.write.NumberFormat, which seems to do what I want. In my application I've written: NumberFormat currency = new NumberFormat(NumberFormat.CURRENCY_DOLLAR); WritableCellFormat currencyF...

JExcelApi: multiple formats in one cell?

In Excel, I can have multiple text styles in a single cell. Is there a way to create a file like this using JExcelApi? I'm not seeing anything so far: setCellFormat is a method on WritableCell, and there doesn't seem to be any way to set a format for anything within a single cell. Am I just missing it (quite possible!), or is this not...

Making new colors in JExcelApi

I'm using JExcelApi for generating XLS files. From jxl.format.Colour, I see how to get any of the colors in the "standard Excel colour palette", but not how to create a new color (say, given its RGB). But in Excel itself, I can pick any color at all. Am I just missing it? Is there a way in JExcelApi to select an arbitrary color? I'm...

Detecting struckout text in a cell using JExcelApi

I need to detect whether the text within a cell is struck out or not. I'm using this: Cell cc = sheet.getCell("B1"); CellFormat format = cc.getCellFormat(); System.out.println(format.getFont().isStruckout()); but I remember I read somewhere that CellFormat is deprecated and CellFeatures should be used instead. How could one find out w...

Opening an Excel file using the default program

My program successfully creates and fills a Excel(.xls) file. Once created, I would like the new file to open in the system's default program (Excel in my case). How can I achieve this? For an older program where I wanted to open a txt file in Notepad, I used the following: if (!Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { System.err.printl...

Problem when extracting excel data using POI in JAVA?

I have just Extracted the cells from the excel sheet using POI, everything is working fine. But whenever there is an empty cell, the very next right cell data is what I get as a output. But, if exists a value in the latter, the desired output is coming. This is the logic i've written. Iterator<Row> rowIterator=sheet.rowIterator(); ...

JExcel doesn't copy Array formula

I open excel file by JExcel, modify some cells and save it. As result Array formulas({ ... } CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER) was broken. Does anybody know what to do? (FormulaException is rasing during copy) ...

JExcelApi : Cells with no background color became black when using WritableWorkbook.write

Hi, I'm trying to merge two workbooks using JExcelApi (basically by importing all sheets from one workbook to another) : the sheets get merged correctly, unfortunatly the background of all cells is black, except for those which already has a background color. Some background colors get changed randomly as well (e.g. blue becomes red). ...

How do I write a date Cell that has a vertical alignment of TOP

In JExcelApi, I can write a date cell, and it's formatted as a date (if I call addCell without a CellFormat). But, if I add a CellFormat, Excel doesn't treat it as a date format. I can't find any way with a WritableCellFormat to set a DateFormat, and I can't set it to top vertical alignment without passing in a CellFormat. ...

Installing jexcelapi

Hi, how do you use the third party libraries? I have downloaded it, but am unsure what to do with it, do i place it in my eclipse project folder etc? I did look on the website but to no avail Thanks ...

How to read excel using jexcel ?

i am trying to read an Excel file using Java code however i am getting following error : Unable to recognize OLE stream when i searched on net i found jExcel supports only upto excel 2003, and this error comes when excel is made in 2007 bt i have saved my excel in 97-2003 format only and i am still getti...

Using the JExcel API, how do I enter a cell value of unknown data type without a hidden apostrophe being added?

I'm using the JExcel API to create an XLS file. I can't figure out how to populate a new cell without any specific cell formatting. I would like the formatting to be automatically applied, as it does in Excel when you type a value in a cell and it auto-detects what it thinks you're trying to enter. I wrote something similar to this: ...

jexcel - transpose question

I am trying to work with JExcel API and had the following question. I have queried my database tables for 3 columns: id, time, value. I am adding them into different arrays as objects. I want to output them into an excel sheet as follows: id 9:10 9:11 9:12 1 value value value 2 value value value 3 va...

JExcel Output Issues

I'm trying to write out to an Excel Sheet in Java using JExcel. I successfully write out, however I keep running into the "java.lang.OutOfMemory: Java heap space" error. From what I've read there are two solutions. 1) Change My Eclipse settings, which I have done and seems to have not made a difference. My settings are as follows, pl...