
Is JINI at all active anymore?

Everyone I talk to who knows (knew) about it claims it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Why did it fail? Or, if it didn't fail, who's using it now? ...

Classpath problems with Jini ClassDep, Java's dependency finder

I started to use Sun's ClassDep as a solution to fight the inclusion of unnecessary JARs in my resulting WAR application. It seems to rock. However, this beast is hard to tame! I'm getting several errors of classes not found even if they are explicitly included in the classpath I pass to it. Example: couldn't find: org.apache.log4j.Log...

What has replaced JINI?

It seems that JINI is pretty much an abandoned project. The latest release from the Jini.org site is from last year, and there has been no news since then. JINI appears to be very useful to provide services in a completely distributed minor. What happened to this technology? Also what has replaced this technology? The thread that I lin...

Jini : single server with multiple clients

Hi all, I have a question about how to make multiple clients can access a single file located on server side and keep the file consistent. I have a simple PhoneBook server-client Jini program running at the moment, and server only provides some getter functions to clients, such as getName(String number), getNumber(String name) from a Ph...

JINI vs WCF comparison / articles

Hello, Does anyone know where I can find a good JINI vs WCF comparison / article? I've googled a lot and seriously can't find anything.. Best regards, MF. ...