
Jinput init's controllers with up and left as true

I tried using it on this simple code, and JInput makes the controller automatically go up and left! IT seeems that input.isControllerUp(Input.ANY_CONTROLLER) starts out as true! How can I fix this? import org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.Game...

JInput "no jinput-dx8 in java.library.path" Error

Hi I'm trying to make a game in java that gives users the option to a joystick or gamepad to control movement. So I found something called "JInput" that is suppose to make it easy to detect all connected game controllers. The problem is that when I run it in Eclipse I get the following error: "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jinput-...

Time delay problem

Ok, I don't know how to word this questions but maybe my code will spell out the problem: public class ControllerTest { public static void main(String [] args) { GamePadController rockbandDrum = new GamePadController(); DrumMachine drum = new DrumMachine(); while(true) { try{ ...

How to interpret gamepad-rumblers ?

I'm experimenting with the rumblers on my gamepad and when I 'read' the gamepad (with JInput), it finds 5 rumblers. So I expected the gamepad to have two rumblers on each side and one in the middle. However, that seems not to be true, because : The rumbling always comes from one side, and; If I let 3 or 5 rumblers rumble simultaneousl...