
Is "Jint - Javascript Interpreter for .NET" reliable?

I've seen jint in Codeplex. It looks very interesting. Have you used it? Is 0.8.4 stable and usable in your opinion? (production quality?) ...

Is anyone doing visual debugging with Jint?

I've been using Jint to run server-side JavaScript code and I'm liking it a lot so far. The one issue I'm having is debugging. JInt exposes events that can fire when a statement is executed or a breakpoint is hit. As mentioned on the Web site, it would be possible to create a visual debugger that works through this mechanism. Before ...

Jint + XNA (C#)

Hi :) Would it be possible use jint to manipulate a 3D environment created using XNA (C#), and add functionality to this envrionemnt (again using jint)? Thanks Q ...

How to use jint with XNA to build a game engine?

Hi. I want to create a game engine in XNA that has scripting abilities (Jint). How do I go about doing this? (General idea of the direction to proceed - not necessarrily deatils). Thanks Q ...

DynamicObject and Jint

I want to use DynamicObject class under Jint and I have built a sample to do it. First assert is correctly passes but fails at second assert. Is there any way to do it or do you know any other javascript engine that makes it possible ? public void Jtest() { Jint.JintEngine engine = new JintEngine(); dynamic subject = new MyDyn...

Passing a javascript object to c# in jint

I'm trying to send a javascript object to c# world but i cannot figure out how is done. Here is my javascript code myClass.Do( 'str', { key : 'Testing' } ); And I have tried to these method signatures on c# class, first parameter is correct but second parameter is always null. public Do(string param1, object param2); // param1 = 'st...