
JBoss doesn't sends a JmsTemplate (Spring) message

Well, actually JBoss does send the message, but only when the current transaction started by the EJB is finished. We have this problem with JBoss 4.0.3 and Spring's JmsTemplate. An EJB sends a message to a queue with a temporary queue as the reply_to field. Then, inside the same transaction, we listen for the response given by the first...

Creating temporary JMS jms topic in Spring

I'm trying to refactor some legacy code to use Spring to handle the jms connections to a mainframe service. I need to connect create a temporary topic for the mainframe service reply and set that as the message.setJMSReplyTo(replyTo); in the message before I send the message. Can anyone provide examples of this? I have not found anythin...

Unable to deque messages from Topic after the listener listens the messages in spring jms

I am sending the messages to Topic using oracle.jms.AQjmsFactory. The messages are stored in DB topic . Using DefaultMessageListenerContainer , the messages are being listen .But the problem is the messages are not dequeueing or deleting from the topic i.e., the messages are stucked in topic. ...

Unit testing with JMS (ActiveMQ)

How to do unit testing with JMS ? Is it some de-facto for this ? I googled something - Unit testing for JMS: - jmsTemplate: - mockRunner : Do you have any good experience on those and suggestion for me ? ...

Spring JmsTemplate + Security

I've just refactored some code that published to a JMS topic to use Spring's JmsTemplate class and now I'm receiving an exception stating I'm not authenticated. Previously I created the factory, made a connection, then session etc as follows: MQTopicConnectionFactory factory = new MQTopicConnectionFactory(); factory.setQueueManager(qMg...

ActiveMQ Ajax not processing topic messages published by Spring JmsTemplate

Hello, I created a quick web site with ActiveMQ's Ajax javascript message handlers to subscribe to a topic that is published by a JAX-RS/Spring web service. I noticed something rather weird, the ActiveMQ ajax does not call the message handler function if I publish a MapMessage from JmsTemplate, however it does call it if I publish it ...

Spring JmsTemplate and Apache ActiveMQ, why so many connections?

Hello, I have a web application that runs text processing jobs in the background once a message is received on an ActiveMQ which is listened to by a Spring MessageListener....the problem I"m encountering is that once I process around 30 background jobs, ActiveMQ stops processing any messages, Spring message listener loses its JMS connec...