I'm doing jobeet day 3 and I copied the schema.yml into the config directory and so I'm trying to create a database schema and I ran:
$sudo php symfony propel:build-schema
propel Running "reverse" phing task
[propel-schema-reverse] There was an error building XML from metadata: could not find driver
Some problems o...
Error Message:
The route "default" does not exist.
Yes, it doesn't exist. But as described in the Doctrine version of "Practical Symfony | Day 5" everything should work well when default routing is removed, because all actions of the job module has been successfully routed by other routers.
I get the error when I request the URL below...
I am getting stuck with this Symfony command after following the Jobeet tutorial on their site. After running the build model command, here's what I get:
$ php symfony doctrine:build --model
doctrine generating model classes
file+ /private/var/folders/yX/yXtbVXwPHcCUpfC-n06OAU+++TI/-Tmp-/doctrine_schema_56533.yml
Hi all,
I'm new to Symfony and I'm going through the Jobeet tutorial v1.4 for
Doctrine. I am currently stuck on Day 3. I've followed all the
instructions on configuring the database and building models and
modules; however, when I try to access
"http://localhost:8080/frontend_dev.php" I receive the following
'Configuration "conf...
We are using sf 1.4 and doctrine.
I installed Lucene according to the Jobeet tutorial. And I've been
getting into some problems with it.
When I do the search without any values I get the complete table that
Lucene is working with.
If I do a search of a value that was previously inserted into the table it returns nothing
I'm trying to load data from fixtures jobs.yaml and categories.yaml with this command:
$ php symfony doctrine:data-load
But the tables are empty. I have got the columns and tables created, but no data loaded.
It returns:
doctrine Loading data fixtures from "./jobeet/data/fixtures"
doctrine Data was successfully loaded
And the so...
I'm in the day 10 of Symfony's Jobeet Tutorial. Everything worked good, but when I tried to go to the index page: http://localhost:9090/frontend_dev.php
I got the following message:
sfPatternRouting Match route "job" (/job.:sf_format) for /job with parameters array ( 'module' => 'job', 'action' => 'index', 'sf_format' => 'html',)
2 In...
Hi all,
I'm coming from a php world and am now initaiting a project in .NET environment.
After looking around, I noticed that the combination of MVC, spring.net and NHibernate might work for me.
In PHP I created applications using Symfony (with propel or doctrine) that combined all these in one framework.
The Jobeet tutorial ( http://...