
Which SSO Framework to use?

I've used OpenSSO (which is very powerful but complicated) and JOSSO (very simple but lacking many features). I've also looked at the CAS framework. My question is: What is your recommendation & insights regarding the different SSO frameworks (preferably Java oriented)? ...

JOSSO custom authentication scheme.

Hi, I want to write custom authenticaton scheme for JOSSO, but I can't understand how to tell JOSSO to use my own authentication scheme. Can you explain it? ...

josso newbie setup problems - can't use tomcat's manager page

I'm trying to setup josso on an apache tomcat server running on windows. I've installed Apache Tomcat/6.0.26 fro zip file to c:\tomcat then installed josso following the documentation at started tomcat with c:\tomcat\bin\startup.bat, and noticed the following warnings ADV...

Redirect using SAML is not landing in my configured page

I am facing an issue while using SAML to implement SSO on my web application. After successful login I want to redirect to my application’s dashboard / main menu. But, it gets redirected to http://:/IDBUS/first-idau/IDP-1/SAML2/SSO/POST. The flow is, I request my application’s context url in browser. In josso I have configured it to ...

portofino partnerapp for josso

HELLO I want to make Portofino a partnerapp for josso, and i did the steps described here:, but i don't know how to connect josso with portofino because they use different servers. Please help me! ...