
jqgrid row background colour change

Hi All I have a jq grid, and I have to check for a particular value in a column and change the row corresponding to the column (say red). I can get the row index, but I can't work out how to access that row and change its background. TIA Bibhu ...

Custom delete button in jqGrid

I'd like to implement my own delete functionality in jqGrid. I'm currently using the built-in UI (select row, press trashcan button in footer, confirm) but I'd prefer to have a delete button in each row and implement my own UI for confirmation. I don't see anything in the API that allows me to fire off a delete to the server - just del...

jqGrid - Problems opening in jquery tabs (on Firefox and Google Chrome)

I have developed a very simple MVC app to test out trirand's jqGrid for MVC. The app opens a jqgrid in a jquery tab group and everything is ok with IE. However when I use Firefox jqgrid only opens occasionaly in the first tab (but not under any other tab), and in Chrome my jqgrids dont appear to open under any tab of the group. I'm a ...

filtering jqgrid based on user input

hi, everything is working fine with my jqgrid except a small issue. i have defined postData below: $(document).ready(function() { $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_drpUSite").change(function() { site = ($("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_drpUSite").val()); loadusergrid(); }); var usrparams = new Object(); var site = ($("#ctl00_Content...

Adding Dropdown list to the particular column..using jquery

hi, Hi I need to append the dropdownlist box with certain values to the jquery grid column, that is default dropdownlist for perticular column.... I am using this type of jQuery grid http://www.trirand.net/demoaspnetmvc.aspx can anyone help me out.. Thanks ...

not able to display the grid using jquery

<div> <%= Html.Trirand().JQGrid(Model.JqGrid,"Grid1") %> </div> I am follwoing the same code sample.. http://www.trirand.net/demoaspnetmvc.aspx but not able to dispaly the grid.. can any one tel me what could be the reasons for not showing grid? Thanks ...

I want to be able to upload files using jqgrid's add/edit dialgoue box

Hello, The title says it all. I want to upload files when adding or modifying records to a jqgrid. How is it possible? Is there some way to tinker with its Add/Edit Dialogue boxes? Thanks in advance, Vamyip ...

Pass a hidden jqGrid value when editing on ASP.Net MVC

I have a jqGrid in an ASP.Net MVC. The grid is defined as: $("#list").jqGrid({ url: '<%= Url.Action("History", "Farrier", new { id = ViewData["horseId"]}) %>', editurl: '/Farrier/Add', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', colNames: ['horseId', 'date', 'notes'], colModel: [ ...

Need to Export to CSV all of the data that is in JQGrid

I have created a custom button to Export to CSV inside of JQGrid, here is a bit of the code content.AppendFormat(@"pager: $(""#{2}"") {1}).navGrid(""#{2}"", {0} edit: false, add: false, del: false {1}) .navButtonAdd(""#{2}"", {0} caption:""Export to CSV file "", position:""first"", ...

Controlling JQGrid horizontal scroll bar in ASP.NET MVC Application

Hi, I have come across a problem with my JQGrids horizontal scroll bar in an ASP.NET MVC application. The issue is, i have given a fixed width to the grid, and expect that horizontal scroll bar should appear dynamically when i resize my columns; but it does not, instead, the grid spills out of the page. I have tried to add a div element...

Can you use jqGrid within ASP.net using a webservice and javascript?

The jqGrid has been kicking my butt (as well as others on this site). I can't seem to get the JSON data from the webservice to load into the jqGrid when using the addJSONData method. Does anyone know if this is possible to do? I am not using MVC just a plain WebProject webservice in ASP.NET 3.5. I am using the latest version of jqGri...

jqgrid Page 1 of x pager

I am trying to figure out how to user the paging functionality of the jqGrid. Currently I am stuck on Page 1 of 4. No matter if I press the Next button or not. It just stays on 1. I am using ASP.Net with a webservice to populate my JSON data. How do capture the event from the client to populate the property on the webservice to bring...

jqgrid in asp.net

i want to bind jqgrid with static data in asp.net without using webservice. can anybody help me. ...

jqgrid with static data in asp.net

can anybody help me in binding jqgrid with datatable i am now doing the prototype of jqgrid where i am binding data to jqgrid using 'datatype:local' and binding data writing code only in aspx page but now i want to bind data which has to come from .cs page(with static datatable) my code, jQuery(document).ready(f...

How to pass values from Jqgrid onselect row to another grid

I have to get value from Jqgrid Selected row and populate one more grid with datas based on the selected value from the master grid. I dont want to use master detail or subgrdi in Jqgrid. Since I am using MVC, is there any way to populate the second jqgrid in one more view? I am not able to get the column value on selected row to post it...

Can't figure out how to use JqGrid correctly with Asp.net MVC and Linq to Sql

I seem to be having issues with getting my jqgrids working well with linq to sql in my asp.net mvc project. The issue I am having is correctly using the sidx and sord parameters. Most resources I find say to do something like var questions = context.Questions .OrderBy(sidx + " " + sord) .Skip(pageIndex * pageSize) .Take(pageSi...

How to handle a JqGrid event programmatically?

I'm using the ASP.NET wrapper for JqGrid. I'd like to programmatically wire up handlers for some of the grid's events (e.g. gridComplete, resizeStop). All the examples I've seen have you wire up the event as part of the options when creating the grid object - for example: $("#gridid").jqGrid({ ... onSelectRow: function(){ ... },...

jqGrid Export To Excel in ASP.net 2.0

hey i am not using MVC pattern. I am only using ASP.net 2.0 C#. I am using jqGrid 3.6 version. I know that there is one property excelexport which need to be set true and we have to add one custom button and the on click of that button i have to call jqgrid.excelExport method. but i have to send on complex object to the page how do i se...

Dynamic Columns in jqGrid

I've tried with limited success to get dynamic columns to work with jqGrid. Limited in that I can control the column names and formatting from the controller. But when I do this I can't get the data in. Do you have a small sample solution that shows the controller code for the two calls. ...

JqGrid - SubGrid not showing up.

Hello, I am using the JqGrid-subGrid option in my MVC project to get a nested gridview look. I was able to populate data in the parent grid, i have enabled the subgrid and given the subGrid Url for poplulating innergrid data. Now the problem,subgrid is not showing up when the page is executed, not only that, the subGridUrl: method is no...