
Problem customizing jqgrid, navGrid button won't show , row fonts way too big in the grid

Hello! I've manage to get jqGrid 3.8 working in my project(Zend Framework) using json.While basic fetching of data works i failed to see why i can't see the buttons showed on the navigation panel. here is what i've done on client side: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#roomgrid").jqGrid({ url:'/admin/admin-ro...

jqGrid for PHP Custom function using Editrules

Hi Guys, I am also quite a newby to jqGrid and need some help please. I need custom validation on a field I am editing. I looked at the examples and tried the following code below but get the error "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!". Please help a newbie out!!! <?php $grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT * FROM sm...