
Position jqModal window relative to some page element

When using jqModal how can I position the window relative to some element in the page. If I have $('#dialog').jqm(); for example, how can I tell it to position the window relative to the element with id #button -- perhaps a few pixels below or to the right. Thanks. ...

jqmodal IE (7 or 8) flashes black before modal loaded

This is killing me. In both IE7 and 8, using jqModal, the screen flashes black before the modal content is loaded. I've set up a test app to show you what's happening. I've taken jqModal EXACTLY from the site, no changes whatsoever, no external css that could be affecting my app. It works perfectly in every other browser (including IE...

jqModal passing parameters

Hey all, how do you pass data to the jqModal? For example, when Button2 is clicked can i pass the button's id or a hidden field and have the controller pick it up? <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#title').css('b...

Using flot (or another canvas plotting javascript package) in a modal dialog box

Hi guys, I'm trying to to display a chart (generated using flot) in a modal dialog box. The plot is a blown up version of a smaller chart. From my initial attempts I can't seem to display a chart. Would this be a limitation of the canvas tag? Any ideas? ...

Jqmodal popups doesnt work with Updatepanel

I have a page with two text boxes,a button(server-side button) and a repeater in an update panel.In repeater there is a link which opens a popup on click. First time it works ok but after button click the link in repeater doesn't open popup,it redirects the page to link url. If I remove update panels all works fine but I cannot remove ...

How to open a partial view by using jquery modal popup in asp.net MVC?

I have a partial view which I want to open by using JQuery Modal Popup. There is no problem while opening the view for a new record but I want to pass data to this partial view for edit. What is your best way to implement this? Thanks in advance. ...

jqModal close, reopen issue

A Jquery Modal is called with two form elements. There is also an option to close the modal. One scenario is that the user would close the modal, and can come back to it. But when the user come back, the form elements do not work, and the modal just closes upon a click. $('#test').jqmAddClose('#test'); My assumption is that whe...

How to assign an Ajax success handler when loading jqmodal dialog ?

Hi, What I need is very simple but, searching the web, I didn't find any example. I am using the jqModal jQuery plugin for displaying content dynamically (via Ajax) in a modal dialog. Once, this modal content is loaded, I need to bind some event on the dialog DOM elements. Therefore, I would like to assign an handler to the "success" A...

problem with json-web-service call within jqModal

I have a page that loads another page via ajax and jqModal. In that other page, there is a button that calls a web service using json. This button doesn't work. What could be the problem? What other solution do you propose to achieve this? ...

Passing information to jqModal

I'm using jqModal inside a Django application. What I would like to do is have a bunch of different links each of which passes a parameter to jqModal to have it call a different ajax url based on the parameter. For example, depending on the ID of what is click on, I want to do something like: $('#popup').jqm({ajax: '/myapp/objects/' +...

jqmodal scrolling possible

Hi All, Is there a way to make my jqModal scrollable? I'm loading the content via ajax if that helps any? I tried adding the overflow: scroll and the scroll bars show up but it's disabled and shows the entire content. Any ideas? Thanks, rodchar ...

jqDnR plugin doesn't work with jQuery 1.4

I am using jqModal plugin which relies on jqDnR for drag and resize support. After I upgraded jQuery to 1.4, modal boxes stopped responding to "drag" event. Does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks.. ...

reCAPTCHA AJAX API not working consistently in modal dialog box in Safari

Hi all, I'm using reCAPTCHA via its AJAX API to display the captcha in a modal dialog box. I'm using jqModal to display the boxes, and I'm using the AJAX version of reCAPTCHA because the PHP version is already buggy with jqModal (a known bug: http://markmail.org/message/bvip5vyb3czm7ngu). Now, the reCAPTCHA works fine in Firefox. But i...

jqmodal load content via ajax: jquery in loaded page breaks my page

I'm trying to use jqModal on page 1 to load the content of page 2 using ajax. It works fine, until i include jquery inside page 2: at that point, the javascript of page 1 breaks. So, to be clear, it is adding: <script type="text/javascript" src="/_js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> inside page2's head tags that breaks it all. Any id...

jqModal not draggable when dialog box content is from ajax

Hi, I am using jqModal on my project. I need my dialog box to be showed from ajax and the dialog box should be draggable. Here is my snippet of my code: js code: **$('#ex2').jqm({ //trigger: '#ex3aTrigger', overlay: 30, /* 0-100 (int) : 0 is off/transparent, 100 is opaque */ overlayClass: 'whiteOverlay', ajax: '/dialo...

Load page to Modal Window from form with jQuery

Hi, I´m working on a website with a purchase process. I have a form generated by some PHP that looks like this: <form name="order_form" action="'.$thePayreadApi->get_server_url().'" method="post" id="payer-form"> '.$thePayreadApi->generate_form().' <input type="submit" value="Klicka för betalning" /> </form>'; When the form is submitt...

Can anyone tell me about a jQuery modal dialog box library that doesn't suck

jQuery based modal dialog boxes are great as long as you do as much as the example tells you to. I need a jQuery based modal dialog box library that has to have the following characteristics: Ideal implementation: function showDialog(values) { processToChangeDom(values); changeDivTobeDisplayed(); modalDialog.sh...

How to load jQm modal on page load?

Hi I am using jQm Window to load modal window. http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal/#how i am trying to jqmShow Show jqModal element(s). $('#dialog').jqmShow(); $('.dialogs').jqmShow(); but it throws some JS error, but it does not load on the page load, please guide me for the same. TIA ...

jqModal dialog always under overlay.

I have the following code, and am at my wit's end because the dialog always appears under the overlay. Any advice will be most appreciated: <head runat="server"> <title></title> <link href="../Styles/jqModal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> #shift-edit-popup { disp...

jqModal dialog - only displaying once

I've got a jqModal dialog with the following code: $(document).ready( function() { $('td.item.active').click( function(e) { $(this).append( '<div class="new">&nbsp;</div>' ); $("#jqModal").jqm({ modal:true, onHide: function(e) { e.w.hide(); // Hide window ...