
jqPlot graph in accordion

I want to plot a graph within a jQuery accordion but it causes the graph to chopped and the scales to be displayed. Anyone got a fix for this? ...

jqPlot, canvasrenderer labels with html inside them

i am using jqplot to graph some data. my axis label has a micro in it. µ but it is being passed through as that and not an entity. here is the code axes:{ yaxis:{ label:'L,µH', autoscale: true, labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer } } is there a way to not have the entity be conv...

JavaScript charts - dynamically adding data points

I am trying to dynamically add data points to jqplot as a result of AJAX received data, but I do not see a way to accomplish this. Is this not possible? If it isn't, what other packages are available that can accomplish the same basic graphing plus allow for dynamic data? ...

jqplot Highlighter for different line graphs

I have a series of line graphs in a jqplot chart. What i want to do is turn off highlighting for all the graphs except one graph for which i want the Highlighting to happen. How can i do this. ...

I am trying to get a simple jqplot example going but it will not display, why not?

Here is the entire contents of the file: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>jqPlot Examples</title> <!--[if IE]><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="excanvas.js"></script><![endif]--> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../...

IE8 Printing issues with Jqplot

I am testing jqplot with IE8. When I tried to print, the axes labels were offset. I used Andrew Bullock's Canvashack as a workaround.(http://blog.muonlab.com/2010/06/02/getting-position-absolute-canvas-elements-to-print-correctly-in-ie/) It still did not fix the issue. I am new to scripting. Is there anything wrong with my code? Please h...

Jqplot DateAxis rendering is not proper

I tried to plot data useage per day using jqplot along with its dateaxis renderer, the data was static to test the graph, but i found that the points on graph is not corresponding to the exact date on the grid. Is there a better tool out there to do this more accurately ? I need to render light and interactive graphs on browser using j...

Problem with JSON and jqPlot

Hi, I've problem with JSON and jqPlot. jQuery script: var line = [ ]; $(function(){ $.getJSON('bin/gielda.php', function(data){ $.each(data, function (index, value){ line.push(["'"+data[index].data+"'",data[index].kurs_odn]); }); console.log(line); })...

jQuery jqPlot defining x-axis as quarterly segments when data is retrieved and recorded daily

Hi, I was wondering if the following scenario is possible in jqPlot. The chart i need to build has y-axis displaying price data and x-axis displaying time series data. The data will be retrieved on a daily basis but i would like the display along the x-axis to be in quarterly segments so Q1 conatins all daily data from 01/01/2010 to 3...

Generating axis tick annotation that occupies 2 lines

I have a time series I an plotting with jqPlot where I am using a custom tick renderer for the X axis values. However I want to display text shown at each tick position as 2 lines, stacked one above the other. I've tried rendering the string with sprintf and using "\n" but it seems to have no effect - can this be done? I notice i...

Scrolling in jqPlot

I am using jqplot to show candlestick chart and the data is from xml. I retrieve data from xml and put it into array and then jqplot creates a candlestick chart from that. but xml file contains lots of data so in chart values are over lapping (with fixed width). is it possible that we make graph of lets say 10% of data and place a scroll...

What is difference when we type static content of a multi dynamic array and we create a array of array

if i am using below static values than my code is working fine: ohlc = [[090300, 25.75, 25.75, 25.75, 25.75], [090400, 25.75, 25.75, 25.75, 25.75], [090700, 25.73, 25.73, 25.73, 25.73], [091300, 25.76, 25.76, 25.76, 25.76]]; but if i am using below code than my code is not working var labels = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('no...

Jqplot is working in Firefox but showing blank page in Safari and Chrome

I have used jqplot and build a graph with use of jQuery and Javascript http://server.dotsquares.com/cstik/chart.html which is working fine with Firefox but not showing anything in safari [edit Marcel K.: neither in Chrome]. please suggest me what extra code should i place to make it done. Thanks ...

Show Y axis on right side of chart with jqPlot

I am using below code to show Y axis of jqPlot at right side but its only showing me at left side: $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true; var test2 = readXML(posi); plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [test2], { series: [{ renderer: $.jqplot.OHLCRenderer, rendererOptions: { candleStick: true, wickColor: '282828', ...

Data Binding in Asp.net For JQPlot Charts

Hi All, I have a problem in binding data to the JQ Plot <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { // $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true; var goog = [ ['6/22/2009', 425.32], ['6/8/2009', 424.84], ['...

jqPlot in facebox popup

I'm simply trying to show a jqPlot in a facebox modal popup window. The plot shows fine in the div on the page, but if I try to set display:none; and show the div in a facebox popup, I get nothing. I'm sure it's to do with the canvas renderer and the events sequence, but I can't get it to work. Has anyone else tried this? ...

jqplot changes the color of graph on mouse hover

jqplot changes the color of the fill when mouse hovers... I want to remove that effect.. How ?? here is the options used. : var options={ series: [{ neighborThreshold: -1, shadowAngle:0, shadowOffset:2.5, shadowAlpha:.05, ...

Trouble getting jqplot highlighter going

I have been working with JQPlot for a week or so now and am banging my head against the wall trying to get highlighting working. I am loading the following CSS and .js files... jquery.jqplot.min.css jQueryCombined.css ...a couple others that don't relate... jquery-1.4.2.min.js jquery-ui-1.8rc3.custom.min.js jquery.tree.js fancybox/jqu...

how to display values using jqplot horizontal bar

I am using jquery jqplot plugin for displaying graphs. Using php,i retrieved json data like this: for($i = 0; $i < $result_count; $i++) { $data_array[$i][0] = "some value"; } echo json_encode($data_array); Then,i get the data using jquery: $jquery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: "server url", d...