
jQuery 1.4.2 JSON format breaking what used to work in 1.3.2

I just upgraded my jQuery from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2, and I think it's giving me some issues. I have a $.post() function that calls a controller method and passes along some data that I format like so: $.post(url, { arrayParam: myArray, param2: false }, someCallback, 'html'); In Firebug, the POST says the parameters in 1.3.2 look like this: ...

Complex Selectors with jQuery Delegate

Is there a restriction on the complexity of selectors that can be used with delegate in jQuery 1.4.2? This works for me: $('.activeTabsList').delegate('.activeTabsListItem', 'click', function() { alert('here'); }); This does not work: $('.activeTabsList').delegate('.activeTabsListItem:not(.selected)', 'click', functio...

jquery 1.4.1 breaks my slideshow

After toying with the jquery slideshow extension, I created my own that better suited my purposes ( I didn't like that all the images needed to load at the beginning for instance). Now, upon upgrading to jQuery 1.4.2 (I know I'm late), the slideshow loads the first image fine ( from the line$('div#slideshow img#ssone').fadeIn(1500); tow...

jquery 1.4.2 equivalent for setTimeout and clearTimeout..

Is there any equivalent for setTimeout and clearTimeout functions in jquery 1.4.2.... I found this ex which uses jquery 1.3.2.. var alerttimer = window.setTimeout(function () { $alert.trigger('click'); }, 3000); $alert.animate({height: $alert.css('line-height') || '50px'}, 200) .click(func...

jQuery 1.4.2 Using .delegate() on a change event for a doropdown list

My problem is that I am not sure how to use .delegate for the following scenario: our application has a voting system to which several rounds or steps can be added. every time a new step is added there is a list of options that defines how the round/step is to be won. <select class="listOfOptions"> <option value="U">Unanimous</option...

Jquery after ie8/ie7 not working

I'm trying to insert data after an existing DOM element. I'm getting an error "Invalid argument." -- this.parentNode.insertBefore This is not working in IE8 or IE7. Ideas? Jfiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/zJ3Fe/ <a href="#" id="delete_promo">Click</a> <div id="customer-info" class="span-12"> <form id="UserFormCheckoutFor...