
jQuery easing animation of window scroll in Firefox (bug or my bad?)

THE EXAMPLE First and foremost, here's my code and problem: http://www.nathanstpierre.com/MBX/showoff.html THE ISSUE So what I'm seeing is when you click the buttons on the left, the window scrolls to the appropriate heading. In every browser but Firefox (including... IE gasp) this is very smooth. However, if you reduce the height of th...

Make a div fall off the page

Hey, So I have been playing with jQuery for a good time now and I'm trying to get an effect to work properly. I have a main square div in the middle of the page and when someone clicks a link I want the box to look like its falling off the page and disappear, revealing a new page behind it. I'v been playing with the easing plugin but I ...

How to implement JQuery easing into this window scroll movement function?

With this code I've been able to capture the mousewheel movement and apply it to the horizontal scroll bars instead of the vertical default. $('html').bind('mousewheel', function(event, delta) { window.parent.scrollBy(-120 * delta, 0); return false; }); Is there any way that I could add this jQuery easing animation to the scroll...

localScroll and easing scrolling troubles

I'm using localScroll and easing to smoothly scroll my site: http://www.pressedweb.com/beta Everything is cool, but if the user tries to scroll before localScroll or easing are done doing their thing, it starts flickering and consistently tries to finish the animation. Thanks a lot guys. StackOverflow is awesome! ...

slideup and slide down with animate easing

I need a smooth slide effect and i cant seem to understand what I am doing wrong. I have tried the following $(document).ready(function(){ $('.drop2').click(function(){ var $next = $(this).parent().next('li.drop_down2'); if($next.is(':visible')) { $next.animate( {'display':'none'}, 'slow', 'easeOutBounce...

jquery easing graphs

Just found the illustration (graphical) of jQuery Easing plugin http://james.padolsey.com/demos/jquery/easing/ What does these graphs exactly represent. I tried to work/analyze the Easing Plugin several times, but I never understand how it really functions Can someone explain me how to figure it out ...

Plugin: Kwicks for Jquery works perfectly with Jquery 1.2.6 but not 1.4.2

This is about the (mootools-like) kwicks Jquery plugin: http://www.jeremymartin.name/projects.php?project=kwicks I have the same problem as this guy here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1480691/jquery-kwicks-issue (kwicks for jquery works fine on test site but not on live site) but in my case I know what the problem is, I only can't ...