
Can we validate a html page fields which does not contain form tag using jquery?

This is code snippet of my html page can i validate the two text feilds specified using jquery ,i am not using any form tag in my html page <div id="panel1"> <fieldset id="fieldset1"> <legend>Registration Details:</legend> Name of business:<br/> <input size="30" type="text" id="businessname"/><br/> ...

Get text from anchor tag

I have the following anchor tag <a href="http://www.google.com/"&gt;Google&lt;/a&gt; I know how to get the href from an anchor take: alert($(this).attr("href")); But how do I get the text from the anchor tag, i.e. how do I get "Google"? ...

String contains

On my intranet page, I have links which end with .doc or .xls. How do I use jQuery to check if they end with .xls so I can add a little javascript to those links EDIT: This does not work: $("a.resultLink").live('click', function(event) { // do something here // ... // change .doc link behaviour var anchor = $("a:cont...

jQuery Selector: How to select the children of just THIS element.

So, I have code that looks like this: <span class="comic_menu mid_menu_title"> <ul> <li class="level-0 page_item page-item-264"><a href="http://www.domain.com.php5-15.dfw1-1.websitetestlink.com/wordpress/?page_id=264" title="Ca$h Rulez">Ca$h Rulez</a> <ul class='children'> <li class="level-1 page_item pag...

Set the name of a Jquery selector as a string in a variable

Hi, I'm quite a noob at Jquery but I'm trying to set a variable based on the name of a form element. I.e. variable = "someForm" based on this example: <form id="hello" name="someForm" > First name: <input type="text" name="firstname" /> Last name: <input type="text" name="lastname" /> Email: <input type="text" name="email" /> <input...

jQuery show href links problem

Hi there, New to this, so sorry if it's really silly. My problem is as follows. We have been given a list of anchors, some are html and some are pdf. These are grouped into a div #anchors which is to be hidden on document ready. Then two buttons with a choice to show either html links only or pdf links only and the href$ selector ...

Use jQuery to apply styling to all instances of clicked element

What I'm aiming for is for jQuery to look at the element I've just clicked on (for example a p or an li tag), then apply a styling to all instances of that element (so all p tags on the page). This is my code so far, but it only applies the styling to the single element that has been clicked on. $("article *", document.body).click(func...

Jquery Problem With Changing Element Attribute In Internet Explorer

Hi, I am using Jquery to create dynamic links based on user input. I have a set of elements in my ajax loaded div that looks like this <div class="mxcell"> <input type="text" size="40" class="input_name" value=""> <a href="#" target="_blank" class="dyn_link"> <img src=""&gt; </a> </div> Now in Jq...

How do I write a jQuery selector that will find elements that have string1 anywhere in its ID, and also string2 anywhere in its ID?

How do I write a jQuery selector that will find elements that have string1 anywhere in its ID, and also string2 anywhere in its ID? ...

Clicking on a <li> object and excluding tags under it

Possible Duplicate: How to ignore click event when clicked on children. I wanted to know how can i build <li> that is clickable with jQuery while inside it, I have <a href="/home"> that i don't want it to do the same as the click on the rest of the li do... Example : <li> <div> bla bla </div> <div> <a href="/home"> </a> </...

all checkbox under a div not immediate inside to the div

I have div with id=”content” The div may contain a lot of <input id="chkboxtag1" type="checkbox" value="1"/> Div may contain ul tag. This ul may also contain check boxes. The div may contain divs or ul, it may also contain checkboxes. Is there any chance that I get values of all checked check boxes inside the div (not necessarily i...

jquery nested selector

How can I gram the nested element "4"? I tried var nights = $("div.nights h5 div.num").val(); and var nights = $("div.nights > h5 > div.num").val(); example <div class="nights"> <h5 class="biguns"> <div class="num">4</div> Nights </h5> </div> ...

How do I handle the hover in this recursive menu using jQuery?

In my menu below, I have this in my CSS: ul li ul {display:none;} When a menu item is selected, I use this jQuery to show the children menu: $('ul li.selected ul').show(); So I confused on how to handle hovers for the top level menu. When I hover over a top level menu item, how do I hide all sub-menus and show only the hovered item...

Using Jquery to dynamically create objects

I'm trying to dynamically create objects out of forms, but I want some reduntant elements to be ommitted, such as the submit. The only problem is that my function won't omit these fields. function form_to_json(formname) { var obj = new Object(); var identity = "#" + formname + " input"; // Create JSON strings ~~~~~~~~~...

Matching dynamically added events (as attributes) with jQuery

How can I match all elements that have a specific attribute that is added at run time? For example, the code: $('[onkeydown]') will successfully match: <div onkeydown="foo();"> but won't match the following div: <div id="mydiv"> // .... <script type="text/javascript"> var element = document.getElementById('mydiv'); element.onkeyd...

How to select next 2 (or more than 2) items using jQuery .next()?

using jQuery's .next function I want to show next 2 items. By default it selects only just next item. I need control, like sometimes I need next 2, sometime next 3 ...

jQuery Selectors: Grabbing a section of children that are of a given tag

Say I have an arbitrary number children (e.g. "td"s) of a given element (e.g. a "tr"), and I need to grab a given number of these (say, 4) at a given position (say, 3; td's 3 - 67, in this case). What would the best query for doing this look like? Note that I could be dealing with a potentially thousands of children, so I'd like to not...

jQuery Selectors: Which is faster for grabbing a subset of children?

Following up on this question, I have the following 2 options: $("tr td").slice(3, 6); And possibly something like this (algorithmically speaking, I mean; I know making new query strings for each element is kinda silly): var subset = $( "tr td:nth-child(4)" ); for(var i=4; i<7; i++) subset.add( "tr td:nth-child("+i+")" ); Which wou...

Possible to execute jQuery on C# string object?

I am retrieving the HTML source code from a remote URL via C#. I am storing the html in a string. I would like to parse through it, but do not want to use RegEx. Instead of want to leverage the jQuery engine to parse through it. Is this possible somehow? This is how I getting the html from the remote url: HttpWebRequest wr = (HttpWebRe...

How do I get the div background to change when I mouse over a link - using jQuery?

I need to be able change the position of a background image in a containing div when I mouse over a link within that div. Here is the page: It is the two blue play buttons mid right. I had it working before but it is broken and I can't get it to work properly. Here is the html: <div class="h-video"> <p><a class="play-video" href="#fl...