
jQuery UI button: How do I override the classes used for a single button?

I am using the jQuery UI library out of the box, based on a theme. Having links rendered as buttons is great, however I need to override some buttons with different colours. How do I specify an specific class for a particular button to use? ...

Jquery UI button gets disabled on refresh

I asked about this on the jquery forum a few weeks ago without luck, so I will try again here :) I've made a simple widget for a project I'm working on, but I have encountered an odd problem. It is easiest to explain it with an example implementation. http://decko.dk/buttontest On the page there are 3 button. The first one is my drop ...

Why does jquery button take a second to refresh after updating a page using ajax

when i refresh a part of a webpage that has a jquery ui button, it seems like I have to call: $(":button").button(); again or it shows up as a regular button. Thats fine but when i do this, it still shows up as a regular button for a split second before converting to the styling of the jquery theme. is there anyway to avoid this as i...

Can I set a Custom Icon for a jQueryUI Button

Is it possible to create a jQueryUI Button with a custom icon, ie: an icon that is not part of the sprite icons that are provided with jQueryUI??? I am using the ButtonSet functionality for a group of 3 checkboxes but need a more stylised icon than what is provided out of the box... ...

does jQuery UI have a way to achieve this Flash button's functionality?

There's a button in Flash which looks something like a jQuery SplitButton. The Flash button consists of two parts, the text and the icon. [text portion] [v] I have used it to display string search operators for the user: equals, starts with, ends with, contains. In Flash, when the icon is clicked, the text-area drops down a list of...

jquery UI dialog and button refresh

well i'm back... i'm trying to make jquery UI's button and dialog plugins work with my form. i want the reset button <button id="opener" value="reset" type="submit">Reset</button> to pull up a confirmation dialog, which it does. cancel should dismiss dialog and set the button back to its original state. it dismisses fine but the bu...

jQuery UI button won't stay hidden in IE7

Ok, I have made a twitter-style control panel to apply filters and sorting to a list, the code for it is like this: <div id="drawer"> <div id="orderDrawer" class="subDrawer" > <div class="closeDrawer clearfix ui-icon ui-icon-closethick">close</div> <h4>sorteer</h4> <div id="orderPanel"> <!-...

jquery ui buttons inconsistent hover state

I've got 4 buttons using Jquery UI's "button" feature. 3 work flawlessly. the 4th does not seem to want to always apply the jquery ui hover class "ui-state-hover" when it is hovered. it does some of the time, but most of the time it only applies a "hover" class (i'm watching it in firebug) and that obviously doesn't match up w/ their ...

jquery-ui button disable behavior is not right

I disable my jqueryui button in its click event like this $('#btn').button().click(function(){ $(this).button('disable'); }); and it seems that the button always stays in hover state when I enable it in another place later. I have tried to add $('#btn').button('refresh'), but it's not work. How can I restore its state to default w...

Changing jQuery UI Button size?

I've been using the jQuery UI button all over my page, however I haven't found a way around what seems to be a simple problem. I want some of my buttons to be smaller than the other, this should be as simple as setting the CSS of the button text to something like, font: .8em; However jQuery UI takes your DOM element and wraps it: <butto...

Setting the width of radio buttons when using jQueryUI

I am using jQuery UI radio buttons, and can't find how to set them all to be a fixed width. The code I'm using is: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#radio").buttonset(); }); </script> <div id="radio"> <input type="radio" id="radio1" name="radio" /><label for="radio1">A</label> ...

jQuery UI buttonset() Not Responding As It Should?

I'm a newbie to the jQuery UI plugin and I'm building a demo application to test my knowledge. I'm using the radio button add-on and I can't seem to get it working. I have the following line in a function called when the body loads: $("#buttonSetDiv").buttonset(); I'm also including the CSS and JS correctly, like so: <style src="jque...

Jquery Buttons - How to show disabled state

I am using Jquery buttons (http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/) for my UI. I would like to know how I can show a disabled state. Show the button as greyed out or something, you know how when you post a form on some sites the submit button shows as disabled. Also is there anyway to display an active state??? This is my code: $(".commen...

Jquery UI button on items added after page load

i have the jquery ui button widget working w/ the following code. $(.remove_img).button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-cancel' } }); but if there isn't an image in place, on upload, i am appending a button with class .remove_img, so it isn't in the DOM on page load. is there a way to get it so that the added button will still...

How to add ui-icon-check class on a radio buttonset item when it is in checked state?

Using jQuery-UI, I find the checked state of a radio button confusing in the sense that it is hard to distinguish which is checked or not between a buttonset that contains only two items. Now to remedy this, I was thinking of adding a ui-icon-check class (in accordance to the jquery ui css framework) to the active radio button. I tried ...

Get asp.net radiobuttonlist selected value in code behind when using jQuery buttonset

I am using the jQueryUI buttonset on an ASP.NET radiobuttonlist. I need to get the selected value in server-side code when the page posts back. If I don't apply the jQuery buttonset, this is of course easy enough - just grab "SelectedValue". However, when I do apply jQuery buttonset, the selected value does not appear to be available on ...

Help with float and jQuery UI button

I used jQuery UI buttons in a project, and they have been working fine. But, in IE7, the icon doesn't float as it should. I realise IE doesn't have rounded corners support yet, but that is OK. Good browsers render it fine IE sucks I start with a button in the HTML <button type="submit"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-mail-closed"><...

jQuery UI Button - Text beneath the Custom Icon

I am trying to create a jQuery UI button with a custom icon on the top of the text. The default behavior creates icon on the left/right of the text but I want the icon to be on the top! Can this be done? If so, your help/guidance is greatly appreciated. Also, how can one have a 32x32 size Custom Icon (even increasing the height of the b...

jQuery UI checkbox button select all problem.

I am using this to check all checkboxes. <input type="checkbox" id="all" onclick="$('input[name*=\'selected\']').attr('checked', checked);" /> as long as I use the normal checkboxes everything works fine. When I convert all to jQuery UI checkboxes: http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/#checkbox They get checked -- but not in a visually -...

jquery, setting checkboxes to true on load

I have a setup like this... $(document).ready(function(){ var model = { /* some variable names */, Traits[] }; var traits = // json array pulled from server. $('input[type=checkbox]').button(); // jquery ui button control. }); Now, in my HTML, I have a jQuery Template like this. {{each(i, trait) traits}} <input type='check...