
Can a jQuery UI datepicker be matched to a click event's target?

I've written a simple jQuery (1.4.2) UI (1.8) widget that embeds a jQuery UI datepicker. I'd like to detect when a user clicks outside my widget, in which case it should automatically hide itself. My code looks roughly like this: var self = this; $(document).bind("click.mywidget": function(event) { var target = event.target; i...

jQuery datepicker UI getdate() - How do I just output date only and NOT Wed Oct 06 2010 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Hello all, Currently this code is working but not as expected: $("#start_date").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', onSelect: function(_date, _datepicker) { var myDate = new Date(_date); myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate()+8); $('#estimated_hatching_date').text(myDate); ...

jquery ui datepicker back button jumps to 1899

I must be missing some setting or something, but when I use the back button the datepicker jumps to 1899 from the current year. Has anyone else seen this and fixed it? (You can see the different combos I've commented out.) $('.dialog-search,#from') .datepicker({ defaultDate: 'c-1m', dateFormat: 'yymmdd', //changeM...

jQuary Datepicker is clering the field

Hello All, I am getting this strange bug. I'm using a jquery ui date picker in my Spring MVC application. The controller is populating the form which are populating on the jsp. <form:form modelAttribute="form8DContainment" method="post"> <form:input path="finalDate"/> <form:input path="finalDate"/> </form:form> I have app...

How do I use jQuery UI's Datepicker not in a form, but to set the parameter for a link?

I have a link to a page on my site that has a data parameter in it. I want to use jQuery UI's Datepicker to set the parameter for the link. I've used Datapicker before, but only in forms. Is there a way to use it to set a URL parameter in the link? Thanks for reading. ...

calendar widget in javascript

What is the best way to create a calendar with JavaScript like the jquery Datepicker where I can add some more functionality? I want to display some arrays of dates in different colors in it as well as selecting a date. Shall I try to edit the source code, or better, use some library and do it myself? For the first case I would like t...

Access jQuery Datepicker array elements

Been having a poke around and I am trying to be able to get the individual sections of the date chosen by the date picker as vars, so they can be used outside the .datepicker function. Is there an array I can access to grab this data? You can format the date as one of the functions options using dateFormat: "dd mm yy" etc, so there m...

jQuery UI datepicker - clearing the altField when the primary field is cleared

I have a form with a datepicker. The datepicker has a user-facing d/m/Y formatted datepicker input and a hidden altField to go with it for use with the DB. If the user clears the text in the input field it doesn't clear the altField as well. I'm using the below JS to get around this problem. Is there a more correct way to do this or is...

changing href attr in jQuery UI datepicker

Hi, I'm playing around with the UI datepicker widget and I noticed that when the calender is generated, all the dates are inside an anchor tag with href="#". is it possible to change the href to the dateText, or whatever i set the dateFormat to? ex: <a class="ui-state-default" href="#October-27-2010">27</a> Thanks in advance //update...

How can I allow a user to answer dates before 1970 into a JQuery UI DatePicker widget?

I'm working on a site that uses a Jquery UI datepicker to allow users to enter their date of birth. However, since the calender (intialized as follows), doesn't go before December 31st 1969, this will prevent users born before then from registering. How can I make it so that the date goes back all the way to 1910 like intended? picker....

Events in jQuery UI Datepicker with json data source

I want to display events in the jQuery UI Datepicker. I want the days that have events to be styled differently from days that don't have events, and I want to display a custom tooltip with the event details when hovering dates with events. The solution to the question "jQuery UI Datepicker with jQuery tipsy" gets very close, but doesn'...

jQuery Datepicker attached to two inputs, changes both when one is modified

I have two inputs, and I have attached jQuery UI Datepickers to both of them. Problem is that when I change the date on the first one, it changes on the second one and vise-versa. Suggestions? <label for="datestart">Start Date:</label> <input id="datestart" name="datestart" type="text"> <label for="dateend">End Date:</label> <input id=...

JQuery UI datepicker: Show calender for a date programmatically.

Is there a way we can show the calender for a particular year and month using datepicker configuration options? The API documentation doesn't list any such functionality. Still is there a way out? ...