placeholder: '.ui-state-highlight'
Above that I have in my stylesheet, .ui-state-highlight { background-color: #F6F698; height: 1.5em; line-height: 1.2em; border: dashed 1px gray; }, and whenever I drag an li, the placeholder has just a black border, looks exactly like the norma...
I have a date input form which uses three selects (day/month/year)
The following script allows the selects to be set using datepicker. Additionally once you have done this once, the selects can be changed and the change is reflected in datepicker.
But if you set the selects first then click to open datepicker it doesn't pick up the cha...
I'm trying to utilize jQuery's built in effect functionality to create a "drawer" that slides out from behind a navigation bar, pushing the content below it out of the way.
If I use $('#drawer').slideDown(), the content is pushed out of the way, but the content does not actually "slide down." It's more of a wipe to reveal the content.
Can I use a JQuery Dialog to open up an external web page, and if so - how?
Essentially, I want to replicate the abilities of LightWindow using JQuery (LightWindow is based on scriptalous).
Ideally, I want to use something that is apart of the JQuery core. If it need to be a JQuery plug-in, ...
I'm using jQuery UI for Tabs and I really like the SlideViewer Pro plugin, but the problem is that the plugin doesn't seem to work within tabbed content. Anyone here have any experience with this?
I have a table and i am wanting to
fade the row out, then remove it (which is working fine)
after it is remove, i am summing up all the columns and updating the total
that bit isn't working. it is summing up before the row is removed
how do i make this run synchronisly ?
$("#tr_invoice_" + id).fadeOut("slow", function() {
I am using http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/inettuts-with-cookies/ to show the widgets in user's dashboard as igoogle.
This plugin is not supporting with the jquery 1.3.2 and jquery-ui-personalized-1.6rc2.min.js.
But it works fine with the older jquery version 1.2.6.
Does anyone faced this problem? How can i make it to work?
I have 2 textboxes on my site for pickup date and drop off date both using the jquery date picker.
I am having trouble setting the drop off date value to be one day ahead of the pickup date that was selected.
Here is what I have:
$('.pickupDate').change(function() {
var date2 = $('.pickupDate').datepicker('getDate', '+1d');
Is it possible, using jQuery Tabs (Sortable) to pre-sort them by the current day?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
I have 7 tabs, and the client wants the current day to display first.
Here is the site with tab examples: http://dr...
I want resize browser window to 1000x700 pixel by default on load of html page. Also whenever you resize window the minimum dimension 1000x700 should be maintained. I tried
window.onresize = function(){
but in IE8 its not working giving error "Access denied", however in FF its work fine.
Is possible to do that?
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to add minus icon at the end of sortable item, but i am not able to do this, kindly help me in that concern. I am using jqueryui for that.
<ul id="sortable">
<li class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>Item 1<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-minus"></span></...
In jQuery UI, what is the type/contents of the "ui" object passed to the callback function of alot of the event methods, and how do I use it?
For example, the "selectable" demo, the event "selected" gets passed two params. "Event" and "UI". I am trying to use it as follows:
selected: function(ev...
I am using jQuery progress bar. However I want to use it more like a spinner. I can't really predict when the task will complete. So I need a non determinate progress bar.
jQuery UI progress bar only works when you know how much is done. Is is it possible to use jQuery UI progress bar in such a way that when bar reaches 100% then it sta...
I have a form within a draggable() div. The form simply looks like this:
<form id="add_interface" name="add_interface">
USB Type:
<select name="type-id">
<option value="68">Micro-A</option>
<select name="use-id">
How do I post a form using jQuery.post() to a Coldfusion.cfc method and return json data? Is there a certain way I need to format the url or form values in order to specify the cfc method to invoke remotely? How do I tell Coldfusion to return json data?
I've searched the existing jQuery/Coldfusion.cfc questions and I'm looking for some ...
Hi i have 2 div
<div style="width:50px;height:100px;overflow:auto" id="outer">
<div class="kind_div">hello</div>
i tried the draggable function of jquery ui:
$("div.kind_div").draggable({ cursor: 'crosshair', containment: 'document', appendTo: 'body' });
i can drag the kind_div but it remains into the outer div
I want drag...
i'm building a website which has a parent-child Paging structure. I'm looking for a convenient way to administrate the website structure.
I want the pages to be sortable
Releasing the jQuery sortable code on my generated sitemap (nested UL), doesn't work properly...
$('ul.SiteMap ul').sortable();
What's really important is t...
I am having difficulties creating a cookie (using the jquery cookie plugin) that will remember the position of all dialog boxes on the page (class .dialog). The dialog boxes are draggable.
This is what I have tried:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// cookie period
var days = 1;
// load positions form cookies
I'm trying to use jQuery UI 1.7.2 to add tabs on the fly. First, I create the div that holds the content that belongs in the tab, and then I call $('#tabs').tabs("add",...). jQuery UI correctly adds a new li in the tabs list. However, instead of creating a class attribute on my tab div, it creates a whole new tab div with some bogus id, ...