
jQuery UI Buttons Toggle

I'm trying to toggle a UI Button from a callback of a POST operation. The jquery UI Button would either need to have "ui-icon ui-icon-minus" or "ui-icon ui-icon-checked" as a span.class I tried to toggle - but toggle only removes and adds back a part of the class - it doesn't exchange the whole class. This is where I'm stuck at right no...

CSS W3C compliance for jquery

Hi, Just recently I studied about HTML W3C compliance and started understanding its benefits. But when it comes to CSS W3C compliance, is it really possible for a web 2.0 website (like: boxee.tv, corp.ign.com, guifx.com/store, guifx.com/_product_61775/Deana# ) ? I found that jquery ui's CSS did not pass the validation (link) because of ...

jquery sum problem

I want to keep my total sum every time I sort my column from my table <thead> <tr class="titlerow"> <th></th> <th></th> <th align="left"> <asp:LinkButton ID="Programs" runat="server" CommandArgument="Asc" CommandName="G1" CssClass="table-sort active" OnClick="Programs_Clic...

Automatically resize jQuery UI dialog to the width of the content loaded by ajax

I'm having a lot of trouble finding specific information and examples on this. I've got a number of jQuery UI dialogs in my application attached to divs that are loaded with .ajax() calls. They all use the same setup call: $(".mydialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, modal: true }); I just wa...

jquery - capture event when it's handled by existing plugin

I'm using a jQuery UI plugin that captures mouse/keyboard clicks (ui.selectable.js) and doesn't seem to propagate it further. Is there some trick I can use to capture keydown or mouse* events in my code even for elements where the plugin is already listening for these events and not propagating them? ...

Has anyone actually encountered a calendar widget that was better than just text input for DOB?

Im learning asp.net mvc and have been investigating jquery and the like. As yet I havent found a calendar that is actually any good for inputting a date of birth. It often involves masses of scrolling to find the correct year! It is often easier/quicker to just type it in. Just wondering if anyone had found any examples of good calenda...

jQuery.ui.datepicker with Asp.Net MVC dateFormat mapping

Is there somewhere somebody who did a mapping of the c# dateFormat to the datePicker dateFormat, since I already know the C# dateFormat, I don't want to have to check the datepicker documentation everytime I have to build a custom date Format. for exmple, i want to be able to specify in my helper dateFormat of 'dd/MM/yy'(c#) and it woul...

why is my jquery UI datepicker not defaulting to english

i basically copied the code from here but when i tested my site i saw this: any idea why i am not getting an english calendar ...

making a dialog hidden

All, How is that a dialog is hidden and brought up on mouseover event and onmouseout event (ex:like media player controls) link <div class="bar" style="padding:0px;" id="bar"></div> <script> bar = $(".bar", "#view").dialog({ height: 30, width: '100%', textAlign : "justify", margi...

JQuery UI datepicker how to show next prev arrows for month navigation?

Exactly as the title says. When I load the datepicker there is nothing on the ends to click onto change month. But you can stil change the month just no visual?? Malcolm ...

jqueryui alternative

I'm looking for a javascript user interface library (or framework). I will use it with jquery. Of course jquery-ui was my first stop, but it doesn't give me even the simplest features i want. it can be very good for rich widgets like calendars, modals, sorting, dragging, but it lacks the core functions i need. for example, i want to be...

JQuery UI Custom modal dialog

Hi, I'm trying to create a modal popup effect using JQuery UI 1.7.2 Basically I need a normal Error widget to pop up with the rest of the page blocked out. We're using IE6 at work and there are no ways to upgrade. Currently I'm trying this. <div id="errorPopup" style="display: none;"> <div class="ui-overlay"> <div class="ui-widget...

Help With jQuery DatePicker

Here is how I am setting DatePicker in js: $('#created_at, #updated_at').datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'dd.mm.yy 00:00:00'); What I am trying to achieve is for DatePicker to display date in a format like this: 12.02.2010 00:00:00 So basically just add "00:00:00" string after the date. B...

JQuery UI Dialog Issue: Close removes the div

I want to show a popup screen on my page using JQuery UI Dialog widget. To implement this I have a <div class="popup-placeholder"> on my page. Actually there are more than one on the page (If this makes a difference to the solution) On click of a button, I am initializing the dialog and 'open'ing it. The initialization of the popup is ...

What is better to use jquery Ui widgets or jquery plugins for similar things?

What is better to use jquery Ui widgets or jquery plugins for similar things? in terms of performance, easy to use. ...

jQuery: Get request (GET/POST) parameters from ajax request in Javascript

I am using jQueryUI dialog to open a modal form on my site. The form has a hidden input to pass on an affiliate code that is passed in the query string, like http://mydomain.com/page1_with_form?affiliate=Chuck%20Norris http://mydomain.com/page2_with_form?affiliate=Chuck%20Berry I am using a jQuery plugin to make grabbing the GET valu...

How to get the next letter of the alphabet in Javascript?

I am build an autocomplete that searches off of a CouchDB View. I need to be able to take the final character of the input string, and replace the last character with the next letter of the english alphabet. (No need for i18n here) For Example: Input String = "b" startkey = "b" endkey = "c" OR Input String = "foo" startkey = "fo...

ASP.NET + jQuery UI Modal: load aspx page into modal dialog

I need to load aspx page into jQuery UI's modal dialog window. I used following approach: load page content via ajax call into dialog's div and show it: $.get('Page.aspx', function(response){ $('#dialog').html(response); $("#dialog").dialog('open'); }); but I've got very strange error (IE8) in line 137215738 (!): 'theForm.elem...

How to set current date with jquery ui datepicker

Hello everyone, I'm making an edit profile form, and I'm using jquery iu datepicker to select DOB, now when user edits its data he/she has already some date in the profile field, now if the user wanted to change the date the datepicker pops up, how can I make the date from profile field to be selected on the date picker, or simply how ...

Testing if jQueryUI has loaded

I'm trying to debug a website, and I think that jQueryUI may not have loaded properly. How can I test if jQueryUI has loaded? ...