
jQuery to add item from one listbox to another and remove it to the same original position

Hi! I have 2 listboxes and a button to add items from #list1 to #list2. I also have a button to remove item from #list2 and add it again to #list1. But, when I remove the selected item, it goes to the end of the #list1. Is there a way to make this removed item return to its original position? Thanks!! ...

mobile_fu rendering over AJAX so it seems..

My controller renders regular html, mobile_fu, and javascript as such: respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => "full", :layout => "application" and return } format.mobile { render :action => "full", :layout => "application" and return } format.js { render :partial => "content", :layout => false and ...

jQUERY - accordion active state asp.net code behind

Hi there, Can anyone inform me how to maintain the jquery accordion active state panel when changing pages. Ideally i would like to change in the code-behind however really happy to just get it working. developing in asp.net 3.5 Hope this helps Thanks ...

How can i unserialize a string?

I have a menu system that uses a drag and drop tree structure to make it easy for a user to modify. When the javascript serializes the string, it does it in the following way: // Assume each of these items has an ID on with the respective numbers attached Menu Item 1 + Menu Item 2 + Menu Item 3 + Menu Item 4 Menu Item 5 Menu It...

JQuery - how can I change an image src on click of a link

I am using a JQuery gallery to display an image with opaque sliding description. I need to add a list of links so that the user can override the image displayed on click of a link. How can I override the gallery image on click of the link? $(document).ready(function() { //Execute the slideShow slideShow(); }) ...

Creating links for elements with a particular class with jQuery

How can I wrap every element belonging to a particular class with a link that is built from the text inside the div? What I mean is that I would like to turn: <foo class="my-class>sometext</foo> into <a href="path/sometext" ><foo class="my-class>sometext</foo></a> Url encoding characters would also be nice, but can be ignored for n...

js. scripts are not included into Drupal

For some reason one of my Drupal installations doesn't include jquery.js automatically. The most strage thing is that on local hosting all themes include jquery, but on remote hosting the theme I am using - wabi - for some reason doesn't include jquery, and as I see, $scripts variable in page.tpl.php is empty. My initial expectation was ...

lavalamp jquery not linking through

I'm struggling getting my lavalamp to work on a site i'm redesigning. the jquery and links were taken from the previous site but they're not working when you click on them. note all pages aren't finished yet, about us page is live on the site to check www.alwaystwisted.com/sandbox/stagecraft/index.html any ideas? I'm sure it's someth...

JQuery DOM manipulation and window.onbeforeunload in Internet Explorer

Hi, I have this code block: window.onbeforeunload = function(){ <% if (Session["DisableExitConfirmation"] == null || !(bool)Session["DisableExitConfirmation"]) { %> if (isDirty) return '<%= Html.EncodeJsString(Html.Resource("profile_unsavedchanges")) %>'; <% } else { %> if (isDirt...

Does the order of javascript matter in a page?

Hi, As long as I am calling my javascript code from within the jquery $().ready(); function shouldn't I have access to all variables declared in my javascript code? I have code coming from .js files and inline. I tried to access a variable and it says it is not defined, but when I do a viewsource I can see that variable. ...

MagicZoom and JQuery dialog

Hi, I am trying to get MagicZoom and MagicThumb to work inside a JQuery dialog. Nothing at all happens when I mouseover the image, clicking on the same image take you to the image itself. So it seems as though the magic zoom javascript is not getting invoked. The following code works elsewhere. Here is the code <a href="302734901.jpg...

Creating my own callbacks

I have a page with some jQuery, and a separate non-jQuery function. Currently my function runs on $(document).ready, but I want to call a jQuery function as soon as my function is finished. I can pass my function as a callback to any jQuery function, but how can I set things up the other way round? So I would ideally like to know how t...

flot graph on a timer

I want my flot graph to update it's data on set intervals. I have been unable to find any built in functionality that does this so I intend to do something along the lines of redrawing the graph each time an interval expires. The data parameter being passed to flot is the only value that will change. The data variable is populated using ...

Background not showing for jQuery tabs in IE6 and IE7

Hi everyone! I'm using jQuery to create some tabs on a site i'm working on. I'm find that although the tabs work fine in both IE6 and IE7, the background image i'm using is not showing. I changed the image to a colour but the tab background is still showing as transparent. http://development.dekken.co.uk/cervello/ Anyone got any ide...

Change CSS class based on existance

Firstly I must emphasis that the HTML is pre-generated and cannot be altered - Otherwise I would not be doing it in this way : ) So.... The script and HTML below creates a nice hide/show menu, when you click the navheader the navitem becomes visible. However I want the css class of the navheader to change based on if navitem is direct...

jQuery Core/Data or Custom Attributes(Data-Driven)

A similar question was asked here in storing information in a given html element. I'm still green to jQuery, but I'm looking for the best way to store information on the page. I have a Repeater that holds one image per item. These images are clickable and can fire a given jQuery event. The issue I'm having is, the objects that the Repea...

Location search autocomplete that integrates with bing/google geocoding.

Any nice suggestions on auto complete location searches, that integrate with something like Google or Bings location data? I am wanting capture the location of my users on sign up, currently I have a free text input box. I am wanting to have some sort of auto complete that guides the user to inputting more sanitised information, ideally...

Loaded AJAX content breaking out of DIV tag

Hi. I'm new to Java/AJAX etc. I have a page with links down the left and a DIV on the right. I want content (other pages) to load in the DIV when users click on the links on the left... beginner AJAX stuff I guess. I played around with a few JQery plugins and found one that allows pages to load with a fade effect, which is perfect. I h...

Can the jQuery UI datepicker show entire year and style selected date programmatically?

I need a datepicker that will display the entire year for adding dates to a schedule, and I want to be able to make different dates different colors based on other criteria. I know I can use the beforeShowDay function on page load, but what about changing the selected date's style programmatically? Currently we have an asp.net button...

jQuery - Multiple Field Blur

I'm working on some form validation using jQuery, validating each field onblur. Everything is working great, except when I have grouped (dependent) fields. What I'm looking for is a way to validate these fields only once all of them have been blurred. They can either be grouped as a collection of jQuery objects, or as children of a conta...