
How do I configure custom node definitions in Apache Jackrabbit?

Is there a way that I can configure custom node types for Apache Jackrabbit to be registered when a new repository is instantiated? I am automating my build using Apache Maven and have some unit tests to run with JUnit and integration tests to run with Jetty and want to be able to easily set-up and tear-down a test repository. ...

Logging into Jackrabbit with custom LoginModule

I am trying to write a LoginModule that authenticates users with Jackrabbit repository. However, I want it to check the credentials that are stored in repository itself. So the problem is, in my LoginModule I have to connect to the repository again, making it an infinite loop. Is there something I can do about it? ...

Problems with hyphen in Jackrabbit XPath query

Firstly, let me just say that I'm very new to JSR-170 and Jackrabbit/Lucene in general. I have the following XPath query: //*[@sling:resourceType="users/user-profile" and jcr:contains(*/*/*,'sophie\-a')] order by @jcr:score descending I have a user named Sophie-Allen and a user named Sophie-Anne. Searching using the above query retu...

JCR (JSR-170) connector for Lotus Notes

I'm looking for JCR (JSR-170) connector for Lotus Notes Domino Server 7 for integration between our customer Domino server and our software. Does anybody has an experience in dealing with such JCR connector? I found only day.com connector but not sure it if fits me. ...