
Input-validation based on entire content of JTextField, not just the last typed character

Hello, Is there a way to validate text in a JTextField while you type, based on what you already typed in that field? Should I create a keyEventListener of some sort, or is there a way to override the insertString method to let it do that. I prefer the latter, but it only gives you control over the last character that was typed, not the...

how to grab user edition from numerous swing components?

I have a JFrame with a bunch of different JTextField and so on. How to collect data entered by user, without setting actions for each of this components? Note: I create this JTextField using "inline" code, like this: layout.row().grid(new JLabel("Density")).add(new JTextField("1")) .spanRow(); layout.row().grid(new ...

How to put a JButton inside a JTextField (Java)?

I would like to have a JButton (with a folder icon image) inside a JTextField, like over on the far right of the JTextField, so that when clicked, the button opens up a JFileChooser, and when a file is selected, the path to the file appears inside the JTextField. I have made this code, but nothing shows up. public class TextFieldChoose...

Insert list of values to JTextField with Java2sAutoTextField

I want th auto generate values for the empId (or empName) when inserting values to the jtextfield I went through the Java2sAutoTextField class but I can't add it in to a jframe. Here's a part of code I extracted from here: List possible = new ArrayList(); possible.add("Austria"); possible.add("Italy"); possible.add("Croatia");...

Implementing Java2SAutoTextField to a JtextField

1) I was able to add a JTextField to the JFrame, and I initialized the class Java2sAutoTextField as given in Auto Complete JTextField (Swing / AWT / SWT / JFace forum at JavaRanch). 2) I initialized the list and field inside the JFrame constructor, as shown below. List possible = new ArrayList(); possible.add("Austria"); possible.add...

how to fill JTextFields with the columns of a JTable search?

I have a master/detail form with a JTable on top, and all the JTextFields corresponding below in the JPanel. I'm trying to make a search in the JTable, so that when the correct row gets picked, all the JTextFields can be filled with the column values. I don't know how can I call the rows programmatically to do so. How would it be done...

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

When running this code: JTextField ansTxt; ... ansTxt = new JTextField(5); String aString = ansTxt.getText(); int aInt = Integer.parseInt(aString); Why do I get this error? Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" UPDATE: JTextField ansTxt; ansTxt = new JTextField(5); ansTxt....

How can I ignore any KeyListeners that may have been added by client programs when certain conditions are met?

I haven't had any luck with the web as far as this is concerned, the closest I've come is to read up on the EventQueue, but I can't seem to find a way remove an event by default. I've overloaded a JTextField so that it displays the remaining characters in a "guessed" word (part of an auto complete component) and when "Enter" is pressed ...

linking jcombobox values with jtextfield values

I've created an application in netbeans IDE 6.9 where I need to set values for each value in the jcombobox. In my pane I've a combobox and below that are the textfields for entering values for each value in the combobox. Can anyone suggest that how do I link the combobox with textfield. I mean there are different values for each value in...

how to modify the values of other fields in JDialog box based on the value in combo box

I am making a dialog box for the application.And I want to fetch the values from the other fields(such as textField) based on the value of combo box. Can anyone please tell me how to link both of these components? -Thanks in advance ...

Retrieve JTextField text value

Hi! I'm trying to retrieve the text value from a JTextField but first I need to cast a component object (java.awt.Component) to a JTextFiel... mi code is like this Component[] x = this.getComponents(); for(int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i] instanceof JTextComponent) { //retrieve text...som...

java: fully controlled input on JTextField

Hi, I want to have a JTextField (or another text-like input which supports focus and a cursor -- or maybe I should code my own?) where I want to have full control over the immediate input. I.e. I want to ignore most inputs and handle the rest specifically. It seems that JFormattedTextField is not what I want because it does the verifica...

java: is the default document of a JTextField always a PlainDocument?

Is this always true? new JTextField().getDocument() instanceof PlainDocument Because I have read many examples of PlainDocument where they always create a new PlainDocument and then assign it to a JTextField, e.g. here. ...

Value Change Listener to JTextField

I want the message box appear immediately after the user change the value in textfield. Currently I need to hit enter key to get the message box pop out. Anything wrong to my code? textField.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { if (Integer.parse...

Text is not fully shown in JTextField

They say a single image is worth 1000 words: I'll just note that the size is set to default. (build in NetBeans) any idea how do I fix this? Adam. ...

How to induce blinks on JTextField labels continously?

Little background: I have a JTextField called reading. It is located on a JFrame panel. reading = new JTextField("waiting for entry"); What I am trying to do is amend the JTextField to where it creates a blinking effect. Appears, and then disappears. I want that to alert the user that it needs attention. So is there a way where I a...