
What is the precise definition of JDE's Julian Date format?

I am writing code to convert from a Gregorian date to a JDE (J.D.Edwards) Julian date. Note: a JDE Julian date is different from the normal usage of the term Julian date. As far as I can work out from Googling, the definition of a JDE Julian date is: 1000*(year-1900) + dayofyear where year is the 4-digit year (e.g. 2009), and dayofy...

Why does GregorianCalendar.getInstance contain a calsys and cdate of type Julian Calendar

I tried to do set date value to a PreparedStatement with default value but the value is sometimes returned as a JulianValue. For example (Assume spanBegin and spanEnd are null) Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); if (spanBegin == null) { cal.set(0000, Calendar.JANUARY, 1); spanBegin = cal.getTime(); } if (spanEnd == null) {...

Python Question: Year and Day of Year to date?

I have a year value and a day of year and would like to convert to a date (day/month/year). Thanks in advance. :) ...

C++: Converting Julian dates to Gregorian

I need to write a function that converts a Julian dates (Year, Day of Year, Hour of Day and Minutes) into a standard form (Year, Month, Day of Month, Hour of Day and Minutes) and express it as a string. I figure there's got to be someone who's already written a library or component which can do the conversion from Day Of Year to Month a...

Convert a Julian Date to Regular Calendar Date

How do I convert a 7-digit julian date into a format like MM/dd/yyy? ...

Julian Date Conversion

Sample Julian Dates: 2009218 2009225 2009243 How do I convert them into a regular date? I tried converting them using online converter and I got- 12-13-7359 for 2009225!! Makes no sense! ...